A thin connector for the Gnip API written in Java. The connector uses maven to manage the few dependencies that it has including FasterXML's Jackson libs for JSON parsing.
- Logging
- Connection to a stream with reconnect logic
- Rules management
- Use of properties
- Asynchronous reading off the stream, parsing JSON and handling of messages
- Metrics
- Other streams besides PowerTrack
##Usage (from the root directory of the repository)
cp src/main/resources/example.config.properties src/main/resources/config.properties
Edit config.properties and fill in your own Gnip connection values.
Then build the app: mvn clean package
Start the Mongo daemon if you are using the MongoStreamHandler: mongod &
Messages will be written into your database as they arrive from the stream.
Now run the app:
java -cp target/thinconnector-java-1.0.jar com.gnip.IngesteratorApplication
You should see logger messages written to stdout.