This package contain dlt hubspot source and dbt package for this source.
To load data from hubspot source you need:
- Install requirements:
poetry install
- Set correct credentials inside
api_key = "you-key"
- Tune parameters inside
pipeline_name = "hubspot_pipeline" # name of the pipeline
dataset_name_dlt = "hubspot" # name of the dataset in dlt
dataset_name_dbt = "hubspot" # name of the dataset in dbt
destination = "snowflake" # name of the destination
# limit of extracted records for each resource
# (set this low for testing purposes or None if you want to load all data)
limit = 50
write_disposition = "merge" # write disposition
- Run the
To configure names of the columns, properties and dlt resources you need to go to .dlt/config.toml
And add the desired list of resources:
resources = [
And add desired properties for each requested resource.
name = "estimated_kick_off_date" # name of the property
alias = "kick_off_date" # corresponding alias for dbt
add_property_label = true # whether to change the property values to labels