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GridFS Filesystem Adapter

npm version   Build Status  

GridFS adapter for receiving upstreams. Particularly useful for handling streaming multipart file uploads from the Skipper body parser.

This is a fork from skipper-gridfs. Below are the diferences from base repository:

  • Added support to maxBytes option, using similar logic from skipper-disk. Behavior:

    • An error is thrown when upload stream exceeds bytes defined in maxBytes parameter.
    • Limit is applied for all upload stream (all files in the same request, not for each file individually)
    • Files uploaded before limit is reached are saved in GridFS. Only the one that exceeds and the subsequent are not saved.
    • Garbage of unfinished upload is removed using GridFSBucketWriteStream.abort() function
  • Added support to onProgress using same logic from skipper-disk

  • Added support to Node >= 14 & MongoDB Node Driver 3.6.5

  • CI using official skipper-adapter-test

  • Bug fix in function adapter.rm() that causes callback to be called twice. Detais about it you find here.

All the credits about the original package belongs to @willhuang85 and the staff. Great job guys!

Currently only supports Node 6 and up. Node 15 included!



$ npm install @dmedina2015/skipper-gridfs --save

Also make sure you have skipper installed as your body parser.

Skipper is installed by default in Sails v1.4.2.



  adapter: require('@dmedina2015/skipper-gridfs'),
  uri: 'mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017/myDatabase'
}, function whenDone(err, uploadedFiles) {
  if (err) return res.negotiate(err);
  else return res.ok({
    files: uploadedFiles,
    textParams: req.params.all()

For more detailed usage information and a full list of available options, see the Skipper docs, especially the section on "Uploading to GridFS".

Option Type Details
uri ((string)) URI to connect to Mongo instance, e.g. mongodb://username:password@localhost:27107/databasename.
(Check mongo client URI syntax).
bucketOptions ((object)) An optional parameter that matches the GridFSBucket options (Check mongo gridfs bucket options).
mongoOptions ((object)) An optional paramter that matches the MongoClient.connect options (Check mongo client options).
maxBytes ((integer)) Optional. Max total number of bytes permitted for a given upload, calculated by summing the size of all files in the upstream; e.g. if you created an upstream that watches the "avatar" field (req.file('avatar')), and a given request sends 15 file fields with the name "avatar", maxBytes will check the total number of bytes in all of the 15 files. If maxBytes is exceeded, the already-written files will be left untouched, but unfinshed file uploads will be garbage-collected, and not-yet-started uploads will be cancelled. (Note that maxBytes is currently experimental)
onProgress ((function)) Optional. This function will be called again and again as the upstream pumps chunks into the receiver with a dictionary (plain JavaScript object) representing the current status of the upload, until the upload completes.

Error codes

  • E_EXCEEDS_UPLOAD_LIMIT (when maxBytes is exceeded for upstream)



are welcomed 👌

To run the tests:

$ URI=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27107/databasename npm test





Skipper adapter for Mongo's GridFS







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