Deprecation Notice: I'm no longer using this; instead, I'm aiming to build a deploy story in Terraform for deploying these VMs
My configuration for dock0
This contains the dock0 configuration necessary to build config bundles (all the instance-specific bits of a VM):
- config.yaml -- global configuration for all VMs
- configs/$HOSTNAME.yaml -- VM-specific data
- templates -- templates for networking and similar
- scripts -- scripts to use for building config image. Contains code that generates docker auto-start scripts
- docker -- templates and env file scripts for container auto-start
This also contains the meta/ directory for the deploy_tool Docker container, which handles receiving a config tarball on the VM's side, as well as initial provisioning:
image-build.rb -- builds Linode Image that has the necessary code loaded to build a VM
stackscript -- StackScript used to bootstrap the image in image-build.rb. It installs some needed packages and then lays down the dock0.service to complete provisioning on next boot.
deploy.rb -- Uses built Linode Image to rebuild a VM, including calling configure.rb to push up a config tarball
configure.rb -- Pushes up a tarball to the VM with its configuration
Dockerfile -- defines the docker container that knows how to receive the tarball
flag -- simple service used by container to signal that it's alive over HTTP
lurker -- simple service used to wait for the tarball and then kill the container
bundle install
To rebuild the Image that's used to bootstrap deployments:
./meta/image-build.rb <hostname>
To deploy a VM, run the deploy script:
./meta/deploy.rb <hostname>
This will delete all existing data on the Linode, deploy new disk images, run dock0 install (via ./meta/stackscript) to load artifacts, then load the config via the deploy_tool container.
To update the configuration on an existing deployment, start the deploy_tool container on the VM and then run the configure script locally:
## On the VM
docker run -ti -v /run/vm/bootmnt:/run/vm/bootmnt -p 1001:22 -p 1002:80 dock0/deploy_tool
## On the local system
./meta/configure.rb <hostname>
Note that if you're managing your own iptables redirects, you'll need to add rules so that traffic on 1001 and 1002 is routed to the container:
iptables -t nat -A DOCK0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1001 -j DNAT --to-destination <container-ip>:22
iptables -t nat -A DOCK0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1002 -j DNAT --to-destination <container-ip>:80
These scripts and config files are released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.