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ansible-loki-callback: An Ansible callback plugin that logs to a loki instance


  • Python3
  • Ansible


Download or clone the repository and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Use the following environment variables to configure the plugin:

  • LOKI_URL: URL to the Loki Push API endpoint (
  • LOKI_USERNAME: Username to authenticate at loki (optional)
  • LOKI_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate at loki (optional)
  • LOKI_DEFAULT_TAGS: A comma separated list of key:value pairs used for every log line (optional)
  • LOKI_ORG_ID: Loki organization id (optional)

Then set ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS to the path where you downloaded or cloned the repository to.


The example directory contains a test playbook that can be used to test the callback plugin. Run it using

ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="${PWD}" ansible-playbook -i example/inventory.yaml example/playbook.yaml -vvvvvv 2>/dev/null