This GCWG-RDA maDMP metadata application profile (MAP) and companion GCWG-RDA JSON schema are an extension of the international Research Data Alliance (RDA) common maDMP consensus standard and has been developed to collect additional information required in the context of government or other large organizations building automated systems to support Enterprise Information Management. This will enable programs and services to plan and improve delivery of data and information about the data, and to comply with new policy requirements while increasing efficiency and reducing costs. The maDMP MAP is the basis for collecting information in a consistent manner so as to enable a large organization to easily find the information needed to plan for the future, automate tasks, build catalogues and inventories, provide customized reports (e.g, for dataset approvals), answer questions about the data (e.g., where are the data stored, what is the expected annual growth rate, what are the associated costs and funding sources, which are the high priority datasets, who are the partner organizations and where are the signed agreements, what the technical resources, what software is used to process the data, etc.), and to identify ethical concerns and Indigenous considerations related to the data. The MAP provides basic interoperability between systems producing or consuming machine-actionable data management plans (maDMP's). The MAP and companion schema are the means for rapidly building reliable, lightweight, and easily customized automated systems with appropriate access controls while maximizing interoperability. The maDMP MAP is intended to cover a wide range of use cases and does not set any business requirements. It represents information collected over the whole data lifecycle from conception through to disposition. The required information is minimized to apply across all use cases. The remaining information in the MAP is set to optional to allow each organization to chose what is relevant to them but still remain interoperable. If you see opportunities for improvement to this MAP, we invite you to join the GC maDMP WG For more information see FAQ and useful links to consultations, documents, tools, prototypes, etc. developed by the working group. ![]() Used to provide specific information relevant to Indigenous considerations (not found elsewhere in the maDMP), in line with funder requirements (e.g., Canada's Tri-Agency), the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and CARE Priniciples for Indigenous data governance. This would include, for example, identification of Indigenous groups, Indigenous community approval of the project, Indigenous control over data, Indigenous traditional knowledge, Indigenous research methods, use of Indigenous languages. The existence of other Indigenous related information may be identified in this section with the details provided in other sections of the maDMP. This includes Indigenous data sharing agreements (identified under Partner Organization), Indigenous languages used (identified under maDMP language and/or Dataset language and/or Distribution language), Indigenous data governance (described under Dataset data governance), Indigenous contributor role such as Indigenous traditional knowledge keeper (identified under Contributor role), and use of Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended character encoding (identified under maDMP character unicode block and/or Distribution character unicode block. |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
business | Contributor's business affiliation REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
country | Country affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
educational_institution | Educational institution of the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
government_department_or_agency | Government department or agency affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
non_profit | Non-profit organization affiliated with the contributor for the DMP REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
other | Description of the afffiliation when affiliation type is "other" (e.g., Citizen science; for profit NGO, etc.) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's other affiliation? | |
province_state | Contributor's affiliation location. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
type | Contributors affiliation type REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1..n | No affiliation | What is the contributor's affiliation (type)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
agreement_download_url | Download link to the partner organization agreement document REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | Provide a link to the partner organization agreement. | |
description | To provide any free-form text information description on the agreement made with the partner organization REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Agrees to gaze at the stars | Describe the project agreement with the partner organization. |
type | Partner organization agreement type (e.g., MOA - Memorandum of Agreement; MOU - Memorandum of Understanding; Indigenous data sharing agreement; BCR-band council resolution; Treaty; collaborative agreement; cooperative agreement; contract; cost-sharing agreement; contractual material; funding collaboration agreement; grant agreement; service level agreement) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | cooperative agreement | What type of partner organization agreement exists? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
by_mbox | Email of the person who approved the maDMP REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the approval person's email? | |
by_name | Name of the person who approved the maDMP REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the name of the approval person? | |
by_position | Job position of the person who approved the maDMP REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Director | What is the position of the approval person? |
date | DMP Approval date. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-12-31 | What was the date of the approval action? |
description | To provide any free-form text information on the approval for the DMP REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Need to respond to all required fields | Provide a description of the approval. |
status | Approval status for the DMP REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | approved | What is the maDMP approval status? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
business_id | Business ID REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
name | Business affiliation name REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | What is the contributor's business affiliation name? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Business identifier REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's business affiliaton identifier? | |
type | Business identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What type of identification system uniquely identifies the business? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
algorithmic_impact_assessment_conducted | To indicate if an algorithmic impact assessment has been conducted related to these data. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Has an algorithmic impact assessment been conducted related to these data? |
algorithmic_impact_assessment_conducted_uri | Link to the algorithmic impact assessment REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | Provide a link to the algorithmic impact assessment, if applicable. | |
data_aggregation | To indicate if the dataset is the result of data aggregation REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Are these aggregated data? |
data_aggregation_description | Description of how the dataset was aggregated REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Daily observations summarized as annual means. | Describe how these data were aggregated. |
data_collection_earliest_start_date | The earliest date in the case of time series data. REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 1973-01-01 | In the case of time-series data, what is the earliest date of the data in the series? |
data_collection_latest_end_date | The latest date in the case of time series data. REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-12-31 | In the case of time-series data, what is the most recent date of the data in the series? |
data_integration | To indicate if the dataset is integrated by combining data together REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Are these integrated data by the combination of datasets from more than one data source? |
data_integration_description | To describe how the dataset integrates data REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe how the data were integrated. | |
data_integration_sources | To list sources the integrated data uses such as external or internal data sources REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | What are the sources of the integrated data? | |
data_last_updated | Date when the dataset was last updated. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | When was dataset last updated? |
data_latest_end_date | For time series data, date of the latest data in the series. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2022-12-31 | For time series data, what is the date of the latest data in the series? |
data_source | Describes how the data were collected REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | field analyzer | |
data_source_description | To describe the dataset sources of data REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | ||
data_source_external | To indicate if a data source used in the dataset was external REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | |
data_source_external_description | To describe the external source used in the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | ||
data_start_date | For time series data, date of the earliest data in the series. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 1980-01-01 | For time series data, what is the date of the earliest data in the series? |
data_update_frequency | The update frequency of the data in the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | 7 days | How frequently are the data updated? |
dataset_size | Size of the dataset from which distributions are derived. REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | 5 | What is the size of the dataset according to the specified units? |
dataset_size_units | Dataset size units REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | PB - petabytes | What units were used to measure the size of the dataset? |
growth_annual_terabytes | The dataset annual growth rate in terabytes per year. Important information needed when planning storage and associated budget REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | What is the expected annual growth rate of the dataset (terabytes per year)? | |
synthetic_data | Synthetic data is information that's been generated on a computer to augment or replace real data to improve AI models, protect sensitive data, and mitigate bias. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Are these synthetic data? |
synthetic_data_ai | Dataset generated by artificial intelligence. See, REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Were these data generated by artificial intelligence? |
synthetic_data_description | Description of how the synthetic data were generated. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Synthetically generated tabular data created by drawing numbers from a distribution. | How were these synthetic data generated? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
computer_code_description | If there is computer code, provide any free-form text information on the computer code used REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the computer code being used. | |
computer_code_download | If there is computer code, the URL to download the computer code REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | What is the URL to download the computer code? | |
computer_code_license | If there is computer code. Use of a license is highly recommended (e.g., CC BY-SA 4.0, MIT, open government license, etc.) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | CC BY-SA 4.0 | What license applies to this work? |
computer_code_programming_language | If there is computer code. Computer programming language used (e.g., Python, R, SAS) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Python | What language is the computer code in? |
operating_system_description | If OS dependent, to provide any free-form text information on the operating system used REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the operating system in use? | |
operating_system_name | If OS dependent, operating system used REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | linux | What operating system is in use? |
proprietary_software | To indicate if proprietary software was used REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Is there proprietary software in use? |
proprietary_software_justification | To indicate if proprietary software justification was provided REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | is the propietry software justified in use? |
proprietary_software_migration_plan | To indicate if there is a migration plan for the proprietary software REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Is there a migration plan for the proprietary software? |
proprietary_software_migration_plan_description | To provide any free-form text information on the migration plan for the proprietary software REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the migration plan for the propietary software. | |
software_description | To provide any free-form text information on the software used REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the software in use. | |
software_download | URL to download the software used REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | | Provide the URL to download the software in use. |
software_name | Software name used REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the name of the software in use? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
contact_id | Identifier for a contact person REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
mbox | E-mail address REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | [email protected] | What is contact person's e-mail address? |
name | Name of the contact person REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Winnie Pooh | What is contact person's name? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Contact person's unique identifier REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | 0000-0000-0000-0000 | What is the contact person's unique ID? |
type | Identifier type. Allowed Values (recommend using ORCID ID for scientists and researchers): orcid, isni, openid, other. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | orcid | Which identifier type is used for the contact person's unique ID (orcid, isni, openid, other)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
affiliation | Contributor affiliation status with an outside organization and organization type REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
contributor_id | REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
mbox | Mail address REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | [email protected] | What is the contributor's email? |
name | Name REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Christopher Robin | What is the contributor's name? |
role | Type of contributor (e.g., author, investigator, collaborator, field technician, researcher, data steward, Indigenous traditional knowledge keeper) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1..n | Data steward | What is the contributor's role? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Identifier for a contributor person REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | 1111-1111-1111-1111 | What is the contributor's unique ID? |
type | Identifier type. Allowed Values (recommend using ORCID ID for scientists and researchers): orcid, isni, openid, other. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | other | Which identifier type is used for the contributor's unique ID (orcid, isni, openid, other)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
currency_code | Allowed values defined by ISO 4217. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | USD | What is the currency for the cost amount? |
description | Description REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Costs for running the project. | Describe the costs. |
title | Title REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Cloud storage and software | Provide a title for the costs. |
value | Value REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | 1,000,000 | What is the total cost amount? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
country_code | Country code of the contributor written with ISO 3166 Alpha-2 REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | US | Where is the contributor located (country code)? |
country_name | Country name of the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | United States of America | Where is the contributor located (country name)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
collection | Information on collection of the data. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
computing_environment | Computing environment for the distribution in the DMP REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
data_class | Indicates class of dataset. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..n | continuous | What class are these data? |
data_completeness | Dataset percentage completness REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | 95% or greater | Describe the data completness. |
data_criticality | To indicate how important the data are for the organization to achieve its goals. Example values: business function continuity and improvement, IM or IT modernization, intergovernmental agreement, minister/deputy minister priority, mission critical, policy compliance (departmental), policy compliance (federal), regulatory, risk mitigation, treasury board submission, vote netted revenue (VNR), other program priority (specify) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | business function continuity and improvement | What is the data criticality? |
data_governance_description | Describe the data governance. See, also: UNDRIP; Canada Tri-Agency requirements. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Describe the data governance. | |
data_quality_assurance | Data Quality Assurance. Note: Data quality control level is provided at the distribution level. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | We use a complicated, undocumented system for data QA/QC | Describe the data quality assurance. |
dataset_documentation | Dataset documentation REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
dataset_id | Dataset ID REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
description | Description is a property in both Dataset and Distribution, in compliance with W3C DCAT. In some cases these might be identical, but in most cases the Dataset represents a more abstract concept, while the distribution can point to a specific file. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | mountains of data | Describe the dataset. |
disposition_planning | To indicate any disposition plan for the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
distribution | To provide technical information on a specific instance of data. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
geodetic_datum | If the dataset contains geospatial data, indicate the geodetic datum (coordinate reference system) REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | ED50 (older European) | Which geodetic datum is this distribution for? |
geographic_coverage | The geographical area covered by a geospatial dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | In the case of a geospatial dataset, what is the geographic area is covered? | |
industry_NAICS | NAICS industry associated with the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
intellectual_property | Intellectual property related to the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
issued | Issued. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | When was the dataset issued? |
keyword | Keyword REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | keyword 1, keyword 2 | Provide some keywords related to this dataset. |
language | Language of the dataset expressed using ISO 639-3 REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | mul | What language is used in this dataset? |
linked_data_star_rating | Use the Tim Berners-Lee (founder of the World Wide Web) 5-star rating system for open data. To score the maximum five stars, data must (1) be available on the Web under an open license, (2) be in the form of structured data, (3) be in a non-proprietary file format, (4) use URIs as its identifiers (see also RDF), (5) include links to other data sources (see linked data). To score 3 stars, it must satisfy all of (1)-(3), etc. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | 1 star | How many stars does this dataset meet according to the Berners-Lee 5-star rating system for open data? |
metadata | To describe metadata standards used. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
personal_data | To indicate if personal data exists in the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Do these data include personal information? |
preservation_statement | Preservation Statement. Details concerning retention and disposition should be provided in dmp/dataset/disposition_planning/ REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Provide a general statement regarding preservation of the dataset. | |
security_and_privacy | To list all issues and requirements related to security and privacy REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
sensitive_data | Sensitive data are data for which injury that could reasonably be expected as a result of a loss of confidentiality (resulting from unauthorized disclosure), loss of integrity (resulting from unauthorized modification or destruction), or loss of availability (resulting from unauthorized removal or other disruption). See, for example, Treasury Board of Canada, Policy on government security. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Does the dataset contain sensitive data? |
subject | Topic to which a dataset pertains. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
supported_works_url | An URL or DOI that gives access to the supported work. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..n | Provide a URL to this supported work. | |
technical_resource | To list all required technical resources. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
title | Title is a property in both Dataset and Distribution, in compliance with W3C DCAT. In some cases these might be identical, but in most cases the Dataset represents a more abstract concept, while the distribution can point to a specific file. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | fast sun images | What is the title of this dataset? |
type | If appropriate, type according to: DataCite and/or COAR dictionary. Otherwise use the common name for the type, e.g. raw data, software, survey, etc. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | image | What type of dataset is this? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
access_url | A URL of that gives access to the dataset documentation. e.g., landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. The access URL should be used for the URL of a service or location that can provide access to dataset documentation, typically through a Web form, query or API call. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | Provide a link to the dataset documentation. | |
description | To describe the documentation of the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the dataset documentation. | |
download_url | Download URL to the dataset documentation REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | | Provide the download URL for the dataset documentation. |
name | Dataset documentation type (e.g., code book, contract, data dictionary, data production specification (ISO 19131 compliant), ELN (electronic lab notebook), protocol, qa-qc methods, SOP (standard operating procedure) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | code book | What is the name of the dataset documentation? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Identifier for a dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | University of Vienna Phaidra ( | Provide the dataset identifier ID. |
type | Identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | url | What is the dataset identifier ID type? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
authorization_number | The authorization number of the completed disposition action REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | What is the authorization number after the disposition action has been completed? | |
date | Completion date for the disposition action. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 1 | 2023-07-20 | What date was the disposition action completed? |
description | Description of the disposition action completed REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Transfer to LAC 2030-01-01 as part of accession no. 2030-zzzzz-yyyy. | Describe the completed disposition action. |
type | To indicate which type of record disposition action was completed REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | alienated from government holdings | What type of disposition action was completed? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
archival_value | Archival values is the ongoing usefulness or significance of records, based on the administrative, legal, fiscal, evidential, or historical information they contain, justifying their continued preservation. In general, records with archival value are estimated to make up only a small percentage of an organization’s records. In most organizations, the determination of which records are considered to have archival value is made by archivists. Sometimes, archivists distinguish between the concepts of historical value and archival value. In such cases, historical value is defined narrowly as the value of a record to support research in the history of people and the world, and archival value is defined broadly to encompass value that supports any type of research using permanent records, including psychological, sociological, and other types of scientific research. (Society of American Archivists) REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes all | Does the dataset have archival value? |
archival_value_description | Description of the archival value. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the archival value of the dataset. | |
legal_issues | To indicate if there are any legal issues associated with the disposition planning of the dataset. Examples include cases where data are required to be: (1) preserved for the ongoing protection of human rights, legal evidence or litigation holds; or, (2) there are other, dataset-specific legal considerations affecting final disposition (e.g,. partnership agreement). REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Are there legal issues associated with the dataset? |
legal_issues_description. | Description of any legal issues associated with the disposition planning of the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the legal issues associated with the the disposition planning of the dataset? | |
remaining_distributions | Following disposition of distribution(s), flagging that there remain one or more other distributions. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | no | Are there any distributions remaining following disposition? |
required_destruction | To indicate whether the dataset is required to be destroyed REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes all | Does the dataset need to be destroyed? |
required_destruction_description | Description on the reason why the dataset must be destroyed REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Ethics Review Board clearance requires destruction of all identifying datasets at project close, estimated to occur 2030-01-01. | Describe the reason why the dataset must be destroyed? |
required_perpetual_use | To indicate if the dataset has a long-term usage and must retained in the active records area indefinitely. Examples where this may be required include the need to maintain scientific integrity, treaties, agreements, or compliance with UN Joinet-Orentlicher principles for the protection and promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes all | Is the dataset required to be retained in the active records area indefinitely? |
required_perpetual_use_description | Description of the perptual usage of the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the perpetual use of the dataset. | |
retention_review_trigger | What type of trigger ends the retention period. Example: fixed date, event-based. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | fixed date | What is the retention period? |
retention_review_trigger_date | Date of the end of the retention period at which time the distribution is disposed of according to the file plan (destruction, transfer to archives, or alienation. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | What date is the trigger of the retention review? |
retention_review_trigger_description | Description of the trigger that ends the retention period REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the trigger of the retention review. |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
archival_value | Enables compliance with the LAC Act. Applies to GC records only. [LAC_Act] REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Does the distribution have any archival value? |
legal_issues | To indicate if there will be any legal issues associated with the disposition planning of the distribution. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Are there are legal issues with disposition planning of the distribution? |
required_destruction | To indicate if the distribution must be destroyed REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes all | Is the distribution required to be destroyed? |
required_perpetual_use | To indicate if the distribution must be used perpetually REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Is there required perpetual use of the distribution? |
retention_review_trigger_date | Date of the end of the retention period at which time the distribution is disposed of according to the file plan (destruction, transfer to archives, or alienation. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | What is the retention review trigger date? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
access_url | A URL that gives access to the distribution. e.g., landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. The access URL should be used for the URL of a service or location that can provide access to the distribution, typically through a Web form, query or API call. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | http://some.repo... | What is the access URL to the dataset? |
available_until | Indicates how long this distribution will be/should be available. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | When is the dataset available until? |
byte_size | Size of the dataset distribution in measured in bytes. REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | 5,000,000,000,000 | What is the size of the distribution bytes? |
character_encoding_standard | Character encoding standard used in the distribution REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | UTF-16 | What character encoding standard is used for the data? |
character_unicode_block_code | Unicode block used in the distribution. Use the "code" from the Unicode Standard 15.1. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | U+18B0..U+18FF | What is the Unicode block code? |
character_unicode_block_name | Unicode block used in the distribution. Use the "name" from the Unicode Standard 15.1. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended | What is the Unicode block name? |
data_access | OPEN ACCESS: available to anyone based on an open license (e.g., CC0, CC-BY, Open Government License). SHARED ACCESS: Public access with a license that limits use, that is available to anyone under terms and conditions that are not ‘open' (e.g., CC-BY-NC), shared only with named people or organisations, or via authentication for specific groups that meet certain criteria. CLOSED ACCESS: Internal access only. ; REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | open | Is access to the data open, shared, or closed? |
data_security-privacy_measures | To provide any free-form text information about security or privacy measures. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | anonymisation, de-identification, encryption, hash function, pseudonymisation, statistical disclosure control, none | What security measures are in places to ensure that security and privacy are not compromised? |
data_size | The RDA standard requires describing size in bytes. However, byte_size does not provide a meaningful number for large files (e.g., a file that would typically be expressed in petabytes). Also, other systems (e.g., national archives) may require both data_size and data_size_units. REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | 5 | What is the size of the distribution according to the specified units? |
data_size_units | The RDA standard requires describing size in bytes. However, byte_size does not provide a meaningful number for large files (e.g., a file that would typically be expressed in petabytes). Also, other systems (e.g., national archives) may require both data_size and data_size_units. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | PB - petabytes | What units were used to measure the size of the distribution? |
description | Description is a property in both Dataset and Distribution, in compliance with W3C DCAT. In some cases these might be identical, but in most cases the Dataset represents a more abstract concept, while the distribution can point to a specific file. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | best quality data before resizing | Describe the distribution of the dataset. |
disposition_action_completed | Details of the disposition action that was completed. The act of archiving or destroying a dataset should be recorded in the maDMP (anticipated date, then the actual date of the action). The maDMP itself should continue to exist in perpetuity. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
disposition_planning | The disposition plan for the distribution REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
download_url | The URL of the downloadable file in a given format. E.g. CSV file or RDF file. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | http://some.repo.../download/... | What is the download URL of the dataset. |
file_path | File path is for files that are available internally on shared drives but are not published on the internet. File paths using backslashes instead of forward slashes used for urls. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | What is the file path for this distribution? | |
format | Identify the distribution file format using IANA codes if appropriate, otherwise use the common name for the format. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1..n | csv | What is the file format for this distribution? |
host | The host is the system where the data are stored and processed. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
license | To list all licenses applied to a specific distribution of data. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
physical_data_asset | Allows for recording of physical assets (e.g., external hard drives) and/or physical location of servers, data centers, etc. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | Is this about a physical copy of the data or a physical object that stores the data? | |
protection_level | Protected information is not classified. Information is "protected" when unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause injury to a non-national interest (i.e., an individual interest such as a person or an organization). Protected information is any sensitive information that does not relate to national security and cannot be disclosed under access and privacy legislation because of the potential injury to particular public or private interests. Protection levels: Protected A (Injury to an individual, organization or government), Protected B (Serious injury to an individual, organization or government), Protected C (Extremely grave injury to an individual, organization or government). REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | protected A | What is the protection level for these data? |
quality_control_level | Data quality control level. LEVEL 0 (Raw data or minimally processed data. Contains all available measurement data. May contain quality control flags indicating missing or invalid data. LEVEL 1 (A complete dataset of specified quality. The dataset has been subjected to quality assurance and quality control checks and data management procedures. Compliance with documented data quality objectives, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and protocols has been evaluated and documented. If the data have been audited, level '0' status will remain in effect until all audits have been completed and the investigator’s response recorded). LEVEL 2 (A complete, externally consistent dataset of specified quality that has undergone interpretative and diagnostic analyses. A validation level and status discussion must be included in the metadata record associated with the dataset). LEVEL 3 (Data that have received intense scrutiny through analysis or use in modeling. As analysis of the data proceeds, analysts may raise questions about portions of the level '2' dataset. Additional checks and tests will be performed on such data and the Level 3 code will be affixed to data passing these tests. If this scrutiny reveals an inconsistency that appears to be caused by a measurement error, the entire chain of evidence for the measurement will be reviewed). MIXED (A package of datasets with varying levels of data quality). UNKNOWN (Data quality is unknown). Reference: NARTSO Standard. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | level 0 - raw | What is the quality control level of this distribution? |
security_classification_level | Security classification that designates the level of protection against access the data or information requires when unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause injury to the national interest – defence and maintenance of the social, political and economic stability of the nation. Classification levels: Unclassified, Restricted (disadvantageous to the interests of the nation), Confidential (injury to the national interest), Secret (serious injury to the national interest), Top Secret (exceptionally grave injury to the national interest). "Other" could include, for example: Clearance, Compartmented information, Critical nuclear weapon design information (CNDWI), No foreign dissemination (NOFORN), Official/For official use only, Official sensitive, Originator controlled dissemination (ORCON), Special intelligence, Sensitive but unclassified. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | unclassified | What is the security classification of this distribution? |
status | Completion status of the distribution REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | finished | What is the status of the data? |
status_description | Description of the distribution completion status REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the status. | |
title | Title is a property in both Dataset and Distribution, in compliance with W3C DCAT. In some cases these might be identical, but in most cases the Dataset represents a more abstract concept, while the distribution can point to a specific file. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Full resolution images | What is the title of the distribution of the dataset? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
access | OPEN ACCESS: available to anyone based on an open license (e.g., CC0, CC-BY, Open Government License). SHARED ACCESS: Public access with a license that limits use, that is available to anyone under terms and conditions that are not ‘open' (e.g., CC-BY-NC), shared only with named people or organisations, or via authentication for specific groups that meet certain criteria. CLOSED ACCESS: Internal access only. ; REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | open | Is access to the maDMP open, shared, or closed? |
approval | Approval of the maDMP REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
contact | Specifies the party which can provide information about the DMP. This is not necessarily the DMP creator, and it can be a person or an organization. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
contributor | Party involved in the process of data management described by the DMP, or party involved in the creation and management of the DMP itself. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
cost | To list costs related to data management. Providing multiple instances of a 'Cost' allows to break down costs into details. Providing one 'Cost' instance allows to provide one aggregated sum. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
created | Date and time of the first version of the maDMP. This date must not be changed in subsequent maDMPs. Each maDMP has a "Created" date and a "Modified" date. The modification date contains a timestamp of the last modification of the maDMP. Given two maDMPs with different modification dates, one can identify which is newer by comparing the timestamps. The same creation date indicates different versions of the same DMP. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| DateTime | 1 | 2021-04-15T10:53:49-5:00 | When was the first version of the maDMP created? |
dataset | To describe data on a non-technical level. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
description | To provide any free-form text information on the Data Management Plan (maDMP). It can be a formal statement describing how research data will be managed and documented throughout a research project and the terms regarding the subsequent deposit of the data with a data repository for long-term management and preservation (Library and Archives Canada). DMP's are living documents that outline a project’s plans for research data management. The content, format and length of DMPs depend on the nature of the given research project. DMPs can be developed to guide a single research project or span a multiproject research initiative or longer-term program of research. The DMP submitted at the application stage could, depending on the complexity and duration of the project, be presented as a more high-level outline and then be expanded on throughout the life of the project enabling automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in DMPs. Machine-actonable DMP's (maDMP) are designed to support the exchange of information between systems, to provide basic interoperability between systems producing or consuming maDMPs, acting on behalf of stakeholders involved in the research life cycle (researchers, funders, repository managers, ICT providers, librarians, etc.) and the information represented over the whole DMP lifecycle (Research Data Alliance).
| String | 0..1 | We're finally get our data under control. | Describe the data management plan. |
dmp_id | Identifier for the DMP itself REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
ethical_issues_description | To describe any existing or potential ethical issues that are not captured in the following related fields: dmp/protection_level, dmp/security_classification_level, dmp/dataset/disposition_planning/legal_issues_description, dmp/dataset/distribution/data_security-privacy_measures, dmp/dataset/distribution/disposition_planning/legal_issues, dmp/dataset/distribution/protection_level, dmp/dataset/distribution/security_classification_level, dmp/dataset/distribution/license/, dmp/dataset/intellectual_property/, dmp/dataset/security_and_privacy/, dmp/indigenous_considerations/. Examples include, but are not limited to: Bias or lacking representation of certain populations; data collected without informed consent; lack of transparency due to absence of clear documentation about data processing, cleaning, or manipulation; the potential impact of the dataset on marginalized groups; potential dual use of the data that could be detrimental to society or specific groups; data that include cultural artifacts or practices that could be used in ways that disrespect cultural values or traditions; failure to recognize the contributions of all parties involved in collecting the data; failure to identify who is accountable for the data. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | There are ethical issues because... | Describe any existing or potential ethical issues. |
ethical_issues_exist | To indicate whether there are ethical issues related to these data. It is the responsibility of the researcher or data steward to be aware of any ethical issues related to the data. Ethical issues vary widely depending on the context. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Do ethical issues exist? |
ethical_issues_report | To indicate, for example, where a protocol from a meeting with an ethical committee can be found, or an IRB (Institutional Review Board) report. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | http://report.location | Provide a link to an ethical issues report such as, for examplem and IRB (Institutional Review Board) report. |
indigenous_considerations | Indigenous considerations related to the maDMP or the data. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
language | Language of the DMP expressed using ISO 639-3 REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | eng | What language is the maDMP written in? |
modified | Indicates maDMP version, so must be set each time the maDMP is modified. Dates can be used to indicate past and planned actions. Dataset contains issue date that indicates whether the actions are planned or already performed. If the dataset issue date is set in the future (compared to the maDMP modification date), then the actions are planned. If the issue date is set in the past (compared to the maDMP modification date), the actions were performed in the past. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| DateTime | 1 | 2021-04-22T14:32:54-5:00 | When was the maDMP last modified? |
project | Project related to the DMP REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
protection_level | Protected information is not classified. Information is "protected" when unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause injury to a non-national interest (i.e., an individual interest such as a person or an organization). Protected information is any sensitive information that does not relate to national security and cannot be disclosed under access and privacy legislation because of the potential injury to particular public or private interests. Protection levels: Protected A (Injury to an individual, organization or government), Protected B (Serious injury to an individual, organization or government), Protected C (Extremely grave injury to an individual, organization or government). REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | protected A | What is the protection level for the maDMP? |
schema_version | DMP schema version REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Which maDMP metadata schema version was used when creating this maDMP? | |
schema_version_uri | DMP schema URI REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 1 | What is the URI to the metadata schema version used when creating this maDMP? | |
security_classification_level | Security classification that designates the level of protection against access the DMP requires when unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause injury to the national interest – defence and maintenance of the social, political and economic stability of the nation. Classification levels: Unclassified, Restricted (disadvantageous to the interests of the nation), Confidential (injury to the national interest), Secret (serious injury to the national interest), Top Secret (exceptionally grave injury to the national interest). "Other" could include, for example: Clearance, Compartmented information, Critical nuclear weapon design information (CNDWI), No foreign dissemination (NOFORN), Official/For official use only, Official sensitive, Originator controlled dissemination (ORCON), Special intelligence, Sensitive but unclassified. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | unclassified | What is the security classification of the maDMP? |
title | Title of a DMP REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | The most exciting project ever. | What is the title of this maDMP? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Identifier for a DMP (e.g., DOI url) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | | What is the maDMP identifier? |
type | Identifier type (e.g., DOI) REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | doi | What is the maDMP identifier type? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
department | Name of department within an educational institution. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's educational institution department? | |
educational_institution_id | Educational institution identifier
From ‘List of designated educational institutions’
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
name | Name of educational_institution.
From ‘List of designated educational institutions’ REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | What is the contributor's educational institution name? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Educational institute identifier REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's educational instituation identifier? | |
type | Educational institute identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's educational institution identifier type? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Funder ID, recommended to use CrossRef Funder Registry. See: REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Provide the funder identifier ID. | |
type | Identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | fundref | What type of identifier ID does the funder use (fundref, url, other)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
funder_id | Funder ID of the associated project REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
funding_status | To express different phases of project lifecycle. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | planned | What is the funding status? |
grant_id | Grant ID of the associated project REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
source | Project funding source REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
code | Government department code. Example: REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | 7 | What is the contributor's government department code? |
name | Government department name. Example: REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Environment (Department of the) | What is the contributor's government department name? |
organizational_group | Organizational group of the government department affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the contributor's government affiliation ? | |
organizational_subgroup | Organizational subgroup of the government department affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What organizational subgroup does the contributor belong to? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Grant ID REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | 12345-987654 | Provide the grant ID. |
type | Identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | url | What is the funder identifier ID type (url, other)? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
availability | Availability REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | 99,5 | What is the availability of the distribution? |
backup_frequency | Backup Frequency REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | weekly | How often is the distribution backed up to the host? |
backup_type | Backup Type REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What type of backup system is used for the host? | |
certified_with | Repository certified to a recognised standard REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | coretrustseal | What is the host server certified with? |
data_priority | Indicate if the data are active data, longterm storage, or transitory. For batch priority-based scheduling, declare relative priorities to determine the processing order of jobs and business processes: Low, Normal (default value), High, Critical, and Reserved capacity (highest priority). REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Longterm storage; batch processing priority low | What is the priority of the data in the dataset? |
data_processing_minimum_RAM_Gb | Minimum RAM needed to process the data in GB REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | What is the minimum RAM, in GB, required to process this dataset? | |
data_processing_minimum_cpu_cores | Minimum CPU cores needed to process the data REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | 64 | What is the minimum number of cpu cores required to process the data? |
data_processing_minimum_cpu_speed_Ghz | Minimum clock speed needed to process the data in GHz REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | What is the minimum speed, in GHz, required to process the dataset? | |
data_processing_minimum_machine_type | Minimum computing type needed to process the data (e.g., desktop workstation, laptop, server, HPC, super computer) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | HPC | What is the minimum machine type required process the dataset? (I'm not a fan of this at all, doesn't make sense) |
data_transfer_maximum_latency_msec | Maximum data transfer latency of the distribution, i.e. the delay of data transfer REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | What is the data transfer maximum latency of the distribution? | |
data_transfer_minimum_throughput_Mbps | Maximum throughput of the distribution REQUIREMENT:
| Number | 0..1 | What is the maximum throughput of the distribution? | |
description | Description REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Repository hosted by... | Describe the host. |
geo_location | Physical location of the data expressed using ISO 3166-1 country code. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | CA | Where is the location of the host server? |
pid_system | PID System REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..n | ark | What pid system is used for the host server? |
storage_type | The type of storage required REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | blob | What storage type does the host server use? |
support_checksum | If transferred to LAC. To indicate if external checksums can be stored to be compared to the host checksums to ensure integrity of the distribution REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Is there a support checksum for the host? |
support_versioning | To indicate if changes made in a version is supported from the host REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Is there support versioning from the host? |
title | Title REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Super Repository | What is the title for the host of the distribution? |
url | The URL of the system hosting a distribution of a dataset REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 1 | | What is the url to the host of the distribution? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
characters | To indicate if Indigenous characters are used in the data. If the answer is "yes," then 'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended' is identified under distribution/character_unicode_block REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Are Indigenous characters used in the data? |
community_approval | To indicate whether the project has approval from the Indigenous community. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | not applicable | Has the Indigenous community aproved this project? |
community_approval_description | To provide any free-form text information on the project approval from the Indigenous community. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the Indigenous community approval. | |
description | General description of Indigenous considerations. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Community-based indicators of Indigenous health ... | Describe the Indigenous considerations related to this project. |
dmp_discussion | To indicate whether the DMP has been discussed with an Indigenous group REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | unknown | Has the maDMP been discussed with the Indigenous community? |
exist | To indicate if Indigenous consideration exist. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Are there Indigenous considerations related to this project? |
government_name | Indigenous government group affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What Indigenous government group does the contributor belong to? | |
group_identification | To indicate which Indigenous group this dataset is related to (e.g., Indian Band, Inuit, Metis, self-identification) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | First Nations | Which Indigenous group is this dataset related to? |
indian_band_name | First Nations Indian Band name corresponding to the First Nations code associated with the dataset. ; REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..n | Campbell River | What First Nations Indian Band name is associated with these data? |
indian_band_number | First Nations Indian band number associated with the dataset. ; REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..n | 622 | What First Nations Indian Band number is associated with these data? |
indigenous_control_over_data | To indicate if Indigenous communities control the data. Description of the data governance would be provided at the dataset level. Indigenous data sharing agreement would be identifed under partner organization agreement type. Indigenous traditional knowledge keeper would be identified under Contributor role. See, also: UNDRIP; Canada Tri-Agency requirements. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | no | Is there Indigenous control over data? |
language | To indicate if Indigenous language is used. If the answer is "yes," then it is identified under maDMP language and/or Dataset language and/or Distribution language. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Is an Indigenous language used in the maDMP, dataset, or distribution? |
research_method | "...Indigenous research needs to reflect Indigenous contexts and world views: that is, they must come from an Indigenous paradigm rather than an Indigenous perspective. ...One major difference between the dominant paradigms and an Indigenous paradigm is that the dominant paradigms build on the fundamental belief that knowledge is an individual entity: the researcher is an individual in search of knowledge, knowledge is something that is gained, and therefore knowledge may be owned by an individual. An Indigenous paradigm comes from the fundamental belief that knowledge is relational. Knowledge is shared with all of creation. It is not just interpersonal relationships, not just with the research subjects I may be working with, but it is a relationship with all of creation. It is with the cosmos, it is with the animals, with the plants, with the earth that we share this knowledge. It goes beyond the idea of individual knowledge to the concept of relational knowledge." (Shawn Hunt (2001). Some examples of Indigenous research methodologies include:
dadirri (australia), pathway (australia), sharing circle, sikolohiyang pilipino, storytelling, talanoa (samoa), talking circle, two-eyed seeing, whakawhiti kōrero (māori), yarning. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..n | sharing circle | What Indigenous research methodology is used for this project? |
traditional_knowledge | To indicate if traditional Indigenous knowledge is used in the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Is Indigenous traditional knowledge used in this project? |
traditional_knowledge_classification_code | Indigenous traditional knowledge classification (Xwi7xwa Classification Scheme, based on the Brian Deer Classification Scheme).
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | ERB | What Indigenous traditional knowledge classification code applies to these data? |
traditional_knowledge_classification_description | Indigenous traditional knowledge classification (Xwi7xwa Classification Scheme, based on the Brian Deer Classification Scheme). REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS – HEALING | What Indigenous traditional knowledge classification applies to these data? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
code | NAICS Industry classification code REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | 54 | What is the NAICS industry code related to these data? |
name | NAICS Industry classification name REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | Professional scientific and technical services | What is the NAICS industry classification related to these data? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
copyright_description | Description of the copyright associated with dataset REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Non-transferable copyright | Describe the copyright associated with the dataset? |
copyright_extent | Limitations of the copyright associated with the dataset (e.g., all of the dataset; part of the dataset; etc.) REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | Part of the dataset | Does the copyright apply to the entire dataset? |
copyright_holder | Main copyright holder REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1..n | crown copyright - Canada | Who owns the copyright associated with the dataset? |
other | To allow for the recording of other rights than copyright. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What intellectual property rights, other than copyright, are associated with this dataset? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
license_ref | Link to license document. Examples: ; ; ; REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 1 | | Provide a link to the license. |
start_date | If date is set in the future, it indicates an embargo period. Embargo for data sharing means that data will be made available using a license, but not immediately after deposition of data in a repository. For each distribution, one can assign a license. If the license is assigned, then it means that a distribution at some point will become available. The start date set for the license indicates when it becomes binding - in other words, when the distribution becomes available under this license.Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 1 | 2023-07-20 | What is the start date of the license? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
description | Description REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Provides taxonomy for... | Describe the dataset metadata. |
language | Language of the metadata expressed using ISO 639-3 REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | eng | What language is used for the dataset metadata? |
metadata_standard_id | Metadata Standard ID REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Identifier for the metadata standard used. Example: REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | | What metadata standard is used? |
type | Identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | url | What is the metadata standard identifier type? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
name | Name of the non-profit organization affiliated with the contributor REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | What is the non-profit's name? | |
non_profit_id | Identifier for the non-profit organization itself REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Non-profit organization identifier REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the non-profit's identifier? | |
type | Non-profit organization identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What type of identifier does the non-profit use? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
agreement | Partner organization agreement REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 | ||
name | Name of partner organization. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Stargazers | What is the partner organization's name? |
partner_organization_id | Unique identifier assigned to represent partner organization. REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..1 |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
identifier | Partner organization identifier REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the partner organization's ID? | |
type | Partner organization identifier type REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What type of ID does the partner organization use? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
building_city | City name where the physical asset(s) are located REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What city is the physical data asset in? | |
building_name | Building name where the physical asset(s) are located REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the name of the building where the physical data asset is located? | |
building_room_number | Room number where the physical asset(s) are located REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What room number is the physical data asset stored in? | |
computer_name_full | Full device name in System where the physical asset(s) are located REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | What is the computer name that houses the physical data asset? | |
description | Description of the physical data asset's appearance, functionality, contents, notable features, etc. REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Describe the physical data asset. | |
type | Physical object type the data is stored on (e.g., blue-ray, clay tablet, compact disk, dvd, hard drive, solid state drive, paper, parchment, stone, quipu, tape, thumb drive) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | clay tablet | What type of physical object is the data stored on? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
approved | To indicate if the privacy impact assessment was approved. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Was the privacy impact assessment approved? |
approved_by | Name of the person who approved the privacy impact assessment. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 0..1 | yes | Who approved the privacy impact assessment? |
download_url | A URL that gives access to the privacy impact assessment. The access URL should be used for the URL of a service or location that can provide access to privacy impact assessment, typically through a Web form, query or API call. REQUIREMENT:
| URI | 0..1 | Provide the URL to download the privacy impact assessment. | |
registered | To indicate if the privacy impact assessment was registered (e.g., yes, no, ID#, etc.). REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | ID xxxx-45576 | If a privacy impact assessment (PIA) was performed was it registered or does it have an ID number? |
required | To indicate if a privacy impact assessment is required. REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | yes | Is a privacy impact assessment required? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
description | Project description REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Important data for secret mission to the sun | Describe the project. |
end | Project end date. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2025-12-31 | When is the planned end date of the project, or when did the project end? |
funding | Funding related with a project REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1..n | ||
partner_organization | Partner organization REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 0..n | ||
start | Project start date. Encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date compliant string REQUIREMENT:
| Date | 0..1 | 2023-07-20 | What is the project start date? |
succession_plan | Succession plan, or business continuity plan REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | No plan, project falls apart when P.I. leaves. | What is the project succession plan or business continuity plan? |
title | Project title REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Mission to the sun. | What is the project title? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
code | Use ISO 3166 Alpha-2 province/state/territory code REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | QC | What province or state is the contributor working in? |
name | Use ISO 3166 Alpha-2 province/state/territory name REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | Quebec | What province or state does the contributor work in? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
description | Description of security or privacy controls REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Server with data must be kept in a locked room because ... ; Data cannot be shared even in de-identified or anonymised form. | Describe security and privacy controls considerations, or special measures. |
privacy_impact_assessment | Privacy impact assessment related to the dataset REQUIREMENT:
| Nested Data Structure | 1 | ||
title | Title for security and privacy controls REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | Physical access control; Special privacy requirement | Provide a title for data security and privacy controls, or special measures? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
description | To provide any free-form text information on the funding source for the project REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Provide details on project funding. | |
type | Funding source type for the project (e.g., OCIO A-base, OCIO B-base, program A-base, program B-base, Treasury Board submission, vote-net revenue (VNR), no funding) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1..n | program A-base | How is the project funded? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
classification_code | Two-letter code (class and sub-class) for subject classification of the dataset according to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). For example, the class and subclass code for an air quality dataset would be GE (Class: "Geography, Anthropolgy, Recreation" ; Subclass: "Environmental Sciences). REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | GE | What is the 2-letter subject code for this dataset? |
classification_description | The subclass classification of the dataset according to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). For example, the subclass for an air quality dataset would be "Environmental Sciences." REQUIREMENT:
| Term from Controlled Vocabulary | 1 | Environmental Sciences | What is the subject of the dataset? |
Name | Description | Data Type | Cardinality | Example Value | User-friendly Question |
description | Description of the technical resource (e.g., aircraft, cell phones, database, datalogger, field analyzer, laboratory instrument, modeling-simulation output, satellite, text document, survey, wildlife tracking device) REQUIREMENT:
| String | 0..1 | Describe the required technical resource. | |
name | Name of the technical resource REQUIREMENT:
| String | 1 | 123/45/43/AT | Name the required technical resource. |