Releases: domjos1994/SchoolTools
- add translation
- Date-Format in Settings
- solve bugs
- Spotlight at first start of Tool
- Random Vocab
- Introduction of Assistants
- 0000125: [development] timetable change title automatically (domjos)
- 0000126: [development] Timetable ScreenWidget doesn't reset (domjos)
- 0000115: [development] Add "No Entry" Entry in marklist-widget on Start-Screen (domjos)
- 0000124: [development] subject, duplicated entries possible (domjos)
- 0000127: [development] Marklist ScreenWidget add empty item (domjos)
- 0000116: [development] Show Search-Marklist as Dialog and not as Panel (domjos)
- 0000114: [development] Add Custom-Image for Toolbar (domjos)
- 0000117: [development] Color of Default-Subject to similar (domjos)
- Solve bugs
- Better Surface
- Add Documentation
- Add LearningCard-Module
First official Release!
Note widget doens't load items
timetable widget doesn' reload when updating timetable
Add other items to search like years...
Export Directory Chooser empty on Icecreamsandwich
on api 18 spinner items bad readable
Note can't cancel edit mode
implement update mechnism for database
TimeTable no subjects in export
Year shouldn't be empty: Message appears, although year isn't empty!
add hint to roomnumber textfield in timetable
Timetable, no timetable without class possible
subject will BE counted If YouTube add and Thema delete a subject in Timetable entry
Widget für Stundenplan
Exception after adding new Timetable and back to main-screen with arrow
add autotextfield in alias of timetable subject
Fremdsprachen wie Spanisch und Latein hinzufügen
TimeTable widget not as first widget
year is a mandatory field in timetable
Hinweis bei der Notenliste Stundenplan-Eintrag
Hinweis, was alles noch gehen könnte
Search day in school timer
mehr Spalten für Stundenplan Vorgabe für Musik, Itg
- Alpha Version!
- Alpha Version!