Releases: dougreichard/artemis_macro_language
Addressing more repeat flexibility.
- data returned from a plugin's init() are added as values
- repeat _range attribute now allows more complex value expressions, including calls to plugin functions
- repeat supports and _item that has the current item (useful if range is non-object array)
See repeat examples in:
- Interpolate _range and _as in repeat
- Bumped pkg to get node to LTS version 14
- Refactored repeat code to improve its use with imports
- Added plugins to the scope in imports. So now imports can be used in imports template strings.
Version 0.7
- Implemented a more complete method for handling template string in import file names.
- While I was at it I made it so plugins from an imported file are available
Alpha 0.6a
Enhancement requests:
- Support repeat in imports
- Support _as in repeat with _length (index)
- Relative paths with --source (Found making tutorial video)
- repeat _length expands
- Moved to use node 14
Alpha v0.5
This version has the changes incorporated from converting the Cruiser Tournament.
expand directly to start.
added underscore to all attributes for expand and repeat to avoid conflicts with user attributes.
enabled deep nesting of expands withing templates.
Alpha 0.4
Enabled repeats in templates. Multiple tweaks and fixes found developing example "Quiet is the Hunt"
Early Release: Bug Fixes and better error messages
This version can build the Template version of the arena. (See test/modular/xml-templated/MISS_TheArena_SOURCE.xml)
Template version is 788 lines of XML across 15 files and generates the one mission file of 8700 lines
Very early release for pilot/beta testing
Alpha release to get feedback.