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lavakin committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 7faab32 commit b4709d2
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from deap import base, creator, tools
import random
import numpy as np
import array
from setga import utils

class WrongType(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message

def weighted_random_choice(weights):
# Compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
cum_weights = np.cumsum(weights/np.sum(weights))
def random_numbers(size):
# Generate random numbers uniformly in [0, 1)
random_values = np.random.rand(size)
# Find the indices where random values fall in the CDF
indices = np.searchsorted(cum_weights, random_values)
return indices # Add 1 to convert indices to numbers starting from 1
return random_numbers

def cxWeightedUniform(ind1, ind2,cx_rate,generator):
"""Executes a weighted uniform crossover that modifies in place the two
sequence individuals.
The attributes are swapped according to the *weights* probability.
:param ind1: The first individual participating in the crossover.
:type ind1: list
:param ind2: The second individual participating in the crossover.
:type ind2: list
:param weights: List of weights for each attribute to be exchanged.
The higher the weight, the more probable the exchange.
:type weights: list
:returns: A tuple of two individuals.
:rtype: tuple
This function uses the :func:`numpy.random.choice` function from the numpy
num_cross = int(len(ind1) * cx_rate)
crossover_indices = generator(num_cross)
for i in crossover_indices:
ind1[i], ind2[i] = ind2[i], ind1[i]

return ind1, ind2

def cxUniform(ind1, ind2,cx_rate,generator):
"""Executes a weighted uniform crossover that modifies in place the two
sequence individuals.
The attributes are swapped according to the *weights* probability.
:param ind1: The first individual participating in the crossover.
:type ind1: list
:param ind2: The second individual participating in the crossover.
:type ind2: list
:param weights: List of weights for each attribute to be exchanged.
The higher the weight, the more probable the exchange.
:type weights: list
:returns: A tuple of two individuals.
:rtype: tuple
This function uses the :func:`numpy.random.choice` function from the numpy
num_cross = int(len(ind1) * cx_rate)
crossover_indices = generator(num_cross)
for i in crossover_indices:
ind1[i], ind2[i] = ind2[i], ind1[i]

return ind1, ind2

# Create a closure with fixed weights
def mutWeightedFlipBit(individual, mutation_rate,generator):
"""Mutate the input individual by flipping the value of its attributes based on weighted probabilities for each index.
The `individual` is expected to be a sequence, and the values of the attributes shall stay valid after the `not` operator is called on them. The overall mutation rate is preserved.
:param individual: list
Individual to be mutated.
:type individual: list
:param weights: list
List of weights for each index of the individual. The higher the weight, the more probable the mutation.
:type weights: list
:param mutation_rate: float
Overall mutation rate for the individual.
:type mutation_rate: float
A tuple containing the mutated individual.
This function uses the `numpy.random.choice` function from the numpy library to select indices based on their weights and mutates them with the specified mutation rate.
# Calculate the number of mutations based on the mutation rate
num_mutations = int(len(individual) * mutation_rate)

# Select indices to mutate based on weights
indices_to_mutate = generator(num_mutations)

# Mutate selected indices
for i in indices_to_mutate:
individual[i] = type(individual[i])(not individual[i])

return individual,

def mutFlipBit(individual, mutation_rate,generator):
"""Mutate the input individual by flipping the value of its attributes based on weighted probabilities for each index.
The `individual` is expected to be a sequence, and the values of the attributes shall stay valid after the `not` operator is called on them. The overall mutation rate is preserved.
:param individual: list
Individual to be mutated.
:type individual: list
:param weights: list
List of weights for each index of the individual. The higher the weight, the more probable the mutation.
:type weights: list
:param mutation_rate: float
Overall mutation rate for the individual.
:type mutation_rate: float
A tuple containing the mutated individual.
This function uses the `numpy.random.choice` function from the numpy library to select indices based on their weights and mutates them with the specified mutation rate.
# Calculate the number of mutations based on the mutation rate
num_mutations = int(len(individual) * mutation_rate)
# Select indices to mutate based on weights
indices_to_mutate = generator(num_mutations)
# Mutate selected indices
for i in indices_to_mutate:
individual[i] = type(individual[i])(not individual[i])
return individual,

def run_minimizer(set_size,eval_ind, stats_by,stats_names,mutation_rate = 0.001,crossover_rate = 0.02,
pop_size = 150, num_gen = 50000, num_islands = 6, mutation = "bit_flip" ,
crossover = "uniform_partialy_matched", selection = "SPEA2",frac_init_not_removed = 0.01,
create_individual_funct = None, ref_points = None, end_mut = None, min_max = None, verbose = True,stop_after = 200, weights = None):
"""Run minimizer algorithm to optimize individual solutions.
:param set_size: int
Size of the set to be optimized.
:param evaluate_individual: function
Function to evaluate a single individual.
:param eval_func_kwargs: dict
Keyword arguments for evaluate_individual function.
:param mutation_rate: float
Mutation rate for the algorithm.
:param crossover_rate: float
Crossover rate for the algorithm.
:param pop_size: int
Population size of the one island of the GA.
:param num_gen: int
Maximum number of generations.
:param num_islands: int
Number of islands for the algorithm.
:param mutation: str or callable
Type of mutation ["bit_flip","inversion"] (see DEAP documentation) or a custom function with two input arguments (array for an individual).
:param crossover: str or callable
Type of crossover ["uniform", "onepoint","twopoint","partialy_matched","ordered","uniform_partialy_matched"] (see DEAP documentation) or a custom function with two input arguments (ind1 array and ind2 array).
:param selection: str
Type of selection ["SPEA2","NGSA2"] (see DEAP documentation).
:param frac_init_not_removed: float
Fraction of initially not removed elements.
:param create_individual_funct: function
Function to create an individual.
:param create_individual_func_kwargs: dict
Keyword arguments for create_individual_funct.
np.array(pop) : numpy array
Final population (array of binary arrays, 1 for every selected item in the set).
pareto_front : list
Pareto front solutions (just the solutions, that are Pareto dominant).
for arg in [mutation_rate, crossover_rate, frac_init_not_removed]:
if not isinstance(arg, float):
raise TypeError(f"{arg} must be a float.")

for arg in [set_size, pop_size, num_gen, num_islands]:
if not isinstance(arg, int):
raise TypeError(f"{arg} must be an integer.")
if isinstance(stats_names, str):
stats_names = [stats_names]

def create_individual(set_size,frac_init_not_removed):
a = round(set_size*frac_init_not_removed)
b = round(set_size*frac_init_not_removed*3)
individual = array.array("b",random.choices([1,0], weights=(1, random.randint(a,b)), k=set_size))
return creator.Individual(individual)

def evaluate_individual(individual,**kwargs):
fit = eval_ind(individual,**kwargs)
individual = np.array(individual)
len_individual = np.sum(individual)

if isinstance(fit, list):
return (len_individual, *fit)
return (len_individual, fit)

def get_uniform_reference(num_points):
y_values = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points)
# Calculate corresponding y values such that the sum of x and y is 1
x_values = 1 - y_values

# Create the numpy array with two columns
return np.column_stack((x_values, y_values))

gen_uniform = weighted_random_choice(np.ones(set_size))

if min_max is None:
creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=(-1,) + (-1,)* (len(stats_names)))
creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=(-1,) + min_max)

creator.create("Individual", array.array,typecode='b', fitness=creator.Fitness)
toolbox = base.Toolbox()
if create_individual_funct == None:
toolbox.register("individual", create_individual, set_size = set_size, frac_init_not_removed = frac_init_not_removed)
toolbox.register("individual", create_individual_funct)
toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)
toolbox.register("evaluate", evaluate_individual)
if mutation == "bit-flip":
toolbox.register("mutate_low", mutFlipBit, mutation_rate=mutation_rate, generator = gen_uniform)
toolbox.register("mutate_high", mutFlipBit, mutation_rate=mutation_rate*10, generator = gen_uniform)
mut_functs = [toolbox.mutate_high if i+1 < num_islands * 0.5 else toolbox.mutate_low for i in range(num_islands)]
if mutation == "inversion":
mut_functs = [tools.mutInversion] * num_islands

if mutation == "bit-flip_old":
toolbox.register("mutate_low", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=mutation_rate/2)
toolbox.register("mutate_high", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=mutation_rate)
mut_functs = [toolbox.mutate_high if i+1 < num_islands * 0.5 else toolbox.mutate_low for i in range(num_islands)]
if mutation == "weighted":
if weights is None:
raise WrongType("weights cannot be None")
generate_random_numbers = weighted_random_choice(weights)
toolbox.register("mutate", mutWeightedFlipBit, mutation_rate = mutation_rate, generator = generate_random_numbers)
if callable(mutation):
mut_functs = [mutation] * num_islands
if type(mutation) == list:
mut_functs = mutation
for i,mut in enumerate(mut_functs):
if mut == "bit-flip":
toolbox.register("mutate_flip", mutFlipBit, mutation_rate=mutation_rate, generator = gen_uniform)
mut_functs[i] = toolbox.mutate_flip
elif mut == "inversion":
mut_functs[i] = tools.mutInversion
elif mut == "weighted":
if weights is None:
raise WrongType("weights cannot be None")
generate_random_numbers = weighted_random_choice(weights)
toolbox.register("mutate_weighted", mutWeightedFlipBit, mutation_rate = mutation_rate, generator = generate_random_numbers)
mut_functs[i] = toolbox.mutate_weighted
raise WrongType("unknown type of mutation in the list")

if mutation not in ["bit-flip","inversion", "weighted","bit-flip_old"] and not callable(mutation) and not type(mutation) == list:
raise WrongType("Unknown type of mutation")

if crossover == "uniform":
toolbox.register("mate", cxUniform,cx_rate=crossover_rate,generator = gen_uniform)
if crossover == "uniform_old":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxUniform,indpb=crossover_rate)
if crossover == "onepoint":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxOnePoint)
if crossover == "twopoint":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxTwoPoint)
if crossover == "partialy_matched":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxPartialyMatched)
if crossover == "uniform_partialy_matched":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxUniformPartialyMatched,indpb=crossover_rate)
if crossover == "ordered":
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxOrdered)
if crossover == "weighted":
if weights is None:
raise WrongType("weights cannot be None")
generate_random_numbers = weighted_random_choice(weights)
toolbox.register("mate", cxWeightedUniform, cx_rate = crossover_rate, generator = generate_random_numbers)
if callable(crossover):
toolbox.register("mate", crossover)
if crossover not in ["uniform", "onepoint","twopoint","partialy_matched","ordered","uniform_partialy_matched","weighted","uniform_old"] and not callable(crossover):
raise WrongType("Unknown type of crossover")

if selection == "SPEA2":
toolbox.register("select", tools.selSPEA2)
if selection == "NSGA2":
toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA2)
if selection == "NSGA3":
if ref_points is None:
ref_points = get_uniform_reference(pop_size * 0.1)
toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA3,ref_points = ref_points)
if selection not in ["SPEA2","NSGA2","NSGA3"]:
raise WrongType("Unknown type of mating")

toolbox.register("migrate",tools.migRing,k=10,selection =

stats = tools.Statistics()

for i,s in enumerate(["Num removed"] + stats_names):
stats.register(s, lambda x, i=i, stats_by=stats_by: (sorted(x, key=lambda ind: ([stats_by],[0]))[0].fitness.values[i]))

islands = [toolbox.population(n=pop_size) for _ in range(num_islands)]
population, logbook, gens, best_sols = utils.eaMuPlusLambda_stop_isl(islands,toolbox, mu=round(len(islands[0])), num_ind = len(islands[0]),cxpb=0.45, mutpb=0.45, ngen=num_gen, mut_functs_isl=mut_functs,stats=stats, verbose=verbose, end_mut = end_mut,stop_after = stop_after)

pop = [solution for island in population for solution in island]

pareto_front = tools.sortNondominated(pop, k=pop_size*num_islands,first_front_only=True)
return pop,pareto_front,gens,logbook,best_sols

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