Hi there, I'm - Amit Kumar 
- 📈 I'm a Competitive Programmer!
- 💻 I am a Software Engineer at Lowe's India with experience in developing backend services and secure payment processing using the Micronaut Java framework.
- 🔭 Currently working on building and optimizing backend services, including secure payment processing and API gateway migrations.
- 🌱 Always learning and adapting to new technologies.
- 🥅 APIs are fascinating, and I enjoy working with platforms like Twitter and YouTube.
- ⚡ Constantly exploring new tools and techniques to stay ahead in the tech world.
- ⚡ Learning something new everyday keps my dopamine levels high.
💼 Professional Experience Lowe's India Software Engineer May 2024 - Present
Backend Service Development: Architected and implemented backend services using Micronaut for secure payment transactions. Secure Payment Processing: Developed a secure form for encrypted payment details, ensuring PCI compliance. Data Security: Applied PII encryption techniques to safeguard customer data in Redis. Performance Optimization: Enhanced system performance through connection pooling and Netty thread utilization. API Gateway Migration: Successfully transitioned services from Apigee to Kong for improved API management. Associate Software Engineer Jun 2022 - May 2024
Backend for Frontend (BFF) Development: Created the BFF layer using Micronaut, designing APIs for seamless UI interactions. API Design and Development: Developed endpoints to aggregate data from microservices for UI presentation. Collaboration: Worked closely with UI developers to ensure effective API design and deployment. Technical Expertise: Gained significant experience in Java and Micronaut for scalable backend systems. MAQ Software Associate Software Engineer (Internship) Mar 2021 - Mar 2022
NLP Project: Contributed to a project for shortlisting critical emails, handling up to 2 million records monthly. Power BI Embedding: Implemented features for data analysis within customer web applications.