This is a Ruby library for fetching ratings data from the #bitcoin-otc
trading database.
- Supports checking whether a particular nick is registered.
- Supports enumerating all registered accounts and their ratings.
- Supports fetching ratings entries for individual accounts.
- Compatible with Ruby 1.8.7+, Ruby 1.9.x, and JRuby.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bitcoin/otc'
Bitcoin::OTC::Account.exists?('bendiken') #=> true
Bitcoin::OTC::Account.exists?('jhacker') #=> false
Bitcoin::OTC::Account.each { |account| p account }
account = Bitcoin::OTC::Account['bendiken']
account.nick #=> "bendiken" #=> 5174
account.keyid #=> "74D266C6748B3546"
account.fingerprint #=> "FE0A49F7154638A73DBF0EFD74D266C6748B3546"
account.bitcoinaddress #=> "1Es4dCurqKxNSqK5W8Adb8WKTbrvKrDdQZ"
account.registered_at #=> #<DateTime: 2012-10-08T02:43:34+00:00>
account.rating #=> 7
account = Bitcoin::OTC::Account['bendiken']
account.ratings.each { |rating| p rating }
If you found this software useful and would like to encourage its
maintenance and further development, please consider making a donation to
the Bitcoin wallet address 1JAiiZ5FozEHgRAz3XMHYRPxWpZkzHwG5E
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.