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SpreadPy: Semantic Processing Simulation in Python

SpreadPy is a python package that simulates human semantic processing as spreading activation models on complex lexical networks. The package supports various network representations such as node-enriched and multi-layer networks.

The base spreading activation model, inspired by Vitevitch et al. (2011) and Siew (2019), operates on a simple undirected graph. In this model, nodes distribute activation energy uniformly to their neighbors while retaining a portion for themselves.

Formally, at each timestamp $t$, for an active node $i$ with a non-zero activation value, energy "spreads" equally among $i$'s adjacent neighbors. The quantity spread from node $i$ to its neighbor $j$ is computed based on the node's activation value $e_{i,t}$, the retention factor $r$, and the degree of the node $deg(i)$ as follows:

$\varphi(i,j) = \frac{e_{i,t} \times (1-r)}{deg(i)}$.

When using node-enriched networks, the package incorporates information about similarity between words' attributes into edge weights. In this scenario, activation energy does not spread uniformly. The quantity spread from node $i$ to neighbor $j$ considers attributes' similarity and a normalization factor to regulate energy flow:

$\varphi(i,j) = e_{i,t} \times (1-r) \times \alpha_{i,j}$,

where $\alpha_{i,j}$ regulates the energy spread across the link and is calculated as $\alpha_{i,j}=\frac{\beta_i}{|f_i - f_j|+\epsilon}$, $f_i$ and $f_j$ are specific word attributes (e.g., length or polysemy), $\epsilon$ prevents division by zero, and $\beta_i=(\sum_j{\frac{1}{|f_i - f_j|+\epsilon}})^-1$ represents a normalization factor that adjusts the energy flow between nodes based on their properties, ensuring that $\sum_j{\frac{\beta_i}{|f_i - f_j|+\epsilon}}=1$.

In multi-layer networks, the model distinguishes between intra- and inter-layer energy spreading.

Intra-layer spread represents activation diffusion within the same layer. It incorporates the same rule of the base spreading, plus a $p_{intra}$ dampening factor:

$\varphi(i,j) = \frac{e_{i,t} \times (1-r)}{\text{deg}(i)} \times p_{\text{intra}}$

Inter-layer spread signifies activation transfer between corresponding nodes (i.e., replica) in different layers, plus a $p_{inter}$ dampening factor:

$\varphi(i,i_{\text{replica}}) = e_{i,t} \times (1-r) \times p_{\text{inter}}$


To install the package, download (or clone) the current project and copy the 'demon' folder into the root directory of your application.

Alternatively, you can use pip:

pip install SpreadPy


Here we provide some basic usage of the library on a human mental lexicon composed of two distincts, semantic and phonological, layers. For a more complete overview of the library functionalities, please refer to the jupyter notebooks provided in the notebooks folder.

Example 0: Intro

The following examples are based on the dataset within the toy_data/mental_lexicon_2 folder, used in Stella (2020). The two .txt files within the folder represent the phonological and the semantic layer of a mental lexicon, respectively. Each file follows this format: source target. For instance, the row world globe indicates a connection between the two words.

To construct a multilayer network from the data, common to all the examples, we will utilize the read_example_mental_lexicon method within the IOUtils class, specifically designed to handle these examples. If your files follow the mentioned format, you can run this method on your dataset as well.

from SpreadPy import IOUtils
io = IOUtils()

folder = 'toy_data/mental_lexicon_2/'
g_multiplex, layer_names = io.read_example_mental_lexicon(folder)

This operation yields two results: a multilayer network represented as a networkx object and a list containing the layer names. To showcase the structure of the network, the user can leverage the methods implemented in the networkx library, e.g., the count of nodes: g_multiplex.number_of_nodes(), and the count of edges: g_multiplex.number_of_edges(). The dataset in the examples is composed of 17039 nodes and 72588 edges.

In the next experiments, for many purposes, instead of using the whole network, we prefer to work with the Largest Viable Cluster, i.e., the subgraph composed of all the nodes for which exists a path in the multilayer network that does not exist in the layers separately, following Stella et al. (2018). To this purpose, we utilize the AnalyticalUtils class, designed for extracting useful patterns from a networkx graph. The AnalyticalUtils object will take as input a networkx object, e.g., the multilayer network that we previously extracted.

The following snippet of code extracts the Largest Viable Cluster:

from SpreadPy import AnalyticalUtils
utils = AnalyticalUtils(g_multiplex)

lvc_nodes = utils.lvc(layer_names)
to_rem = list(set(g_multiplex.nodes())^set(lvc_nodes))

The resulting graph is composed of 4118 nodes and 26229 edges. Now we are ready to run our spreading activation models for simulating human semantic processing.

Example 1: Spreading Activation on a Semantic Layer

For the base model, we utilize the semantic layer only from g_multiplex.

g_sem = utils.graph_for_layers(layer_names=['FreeAssociations'])

If we are working on the Largest Viable Cluster, The resulting semantic layer will be composed of 4118 nodes and 210567 edges. The following snippet of code initializes a Spreading Activation model object, letting the user specify the values of retention, decay, and suppress:

from SpreadPy.Models.models import BaseSpreading
model = BaseSpreading(g_sem, retention=0.7, decay=0, suppress=0)

In the following we specify the initial setting of analysis. We choose to start from the node be using an initial activation of 100 units, and we run the model for 20 iterations.

initial_active_nodes = ['be']
initial_status = {node: 100 if node in initial_active_nodes else 0 for node in g_multiplex.nodes}
model.status = initial_status
time = 20

Finally, we run the model as follows:

results = model.iteration_bunch(time)

Managing Output

We provide several utilities for managing the output:

  • O1: Extraction and visualization of top-k activated words during a specified iteration;
  • O2: Count of the activated words above a specified threshold during a specified iteration;
  • O3: Extraction and visualization of the activation energy time series of a specified node/set of nodes;

O1: Top-5 activated words in the final status:

final_status = results[-1]['status']
ranked_results = model.rank_status_activation(final_status)
top_k_rank = dict(list(ranked_results.items())[:5])

The output will be a dictionary node->energy as follows:

{'you': 3.7340620005759346,
 'are': 3.423273882087002,
 'we': 3.4076711505043757,
 'live': 3.3450679063928583,
 'us': 2.299659391401478}

Visualization of the top-10 activated words in three different statuses, i.e., initial, middle and final;

first_iter = model.rank_status_activation(results[1]['status'])
first_iter = dict(list(first_iter.items())[:10])

middle_iter = model.rank_status_activation(results[10]['status'])
middle_iter = dict(list(middle_iter.items())[:10])

final_iter = model.rank_status_activation(results[-1]['status'])
final_iter = dict(list(final_iter.items())[:10])

model.plot_top_k_rank(first_iter, middle_iter, final_iter, timelist=[1,10,20])


O2: Count of the activated words (activation greater than 0.7) throughout all the iterations:

activated_nodes = []
for it in range(time):
    count_n = model.count_status_activation(results[it]['status'], th=0.7)

O3: We can track the activation energy of each node. The output will be a dictionary node->list of activation energies as follows:

node_activation = model.node_activation_series(results)

Visualization of three selected nodes, e.g., the top-3 activated in the final status:

model.plot_activated_series(node_activation, time, ['you', 'are', 'we'])


Example 2: Managing Node Attributes as Weights

SpreadPy allows to add attributes on nodes and manage them for weighing connections as described in the above equations. The method word_features_pipeline() in AnalyticalUtils adds at least two native features ("native" as they are already implemented in the library), namely word length and word polysemy according to WordNet synsets, plus any preferred attribute chosen by the user as a dictionary of dictionaries as follows:

attrs = {'lorem': {n: 1 for n in g_sem.nodes()}, 'ipsum': {n: 'A' for n in g_sem.nodes()}}


Accessing to the attributes of a node will produce this output:

{'length': 5,
 'polysemy': 9,
 'lorem': 1,
 'ipsum': 'A',

To leverage weights, we initialize a Spreading Activation model object, letting the user specify the values of retention, decay, and suppress and the node attribute for which weighing the edges as a string of the parameter weight, specifying also weighted=True as follows:

from SpreadPy.Models.models import BaseSpreading
model = BaseSpreading(g_sem, retention=0.7, decay=0, suppress=0, weighted=True, weight='length')

Refer to the Example 1 to see how run the model and extract the output.

Example 3: Spreading Activation on a Multilayer Network

The following snippet of code initializes a Spreading Activation model object on multilayer networks, letting the user specify the values of retention, decay, and suppress, and the possibility of using weights, as in the base model, plus the values of intra_layer_r and inter_layer_r. For instance, if we aim to give more important to the inter-layer diffusion across replica, we can set parameters as follows:

from SpreadPy.Models.models import MultiplexSpreading
model = MultiplexSpreading(g_multiplex,
                      retention=0.7, decay=0, suppress=0,
                      intra_layer_r = 0.5,
                      inter_layer_r = 5,

In the following we specify the initial setting of analysis. We choose to start from the replica of the node be in the FreeAssociations layer, using an initial activation of 100 units in that layer, and we run the model for 10 iterations.

initial_active_node = ['be']
initial_layer = ['FreeAssociations']

initial_status = {layer:
                  {node: 100 if node in initial_active_node and layer in initial_layer else 0 \
                   for node in g_multiplex.nodes} \
                 for layer in model.layers}

model.status = initial_status
time = 10

Finally, we run the model as follows:

results = model.iteration_bunch(time)

We provide several utilities for managing the output, as described in Example 1. The only difference when dealing with multilayer networks is that output are replicated for all layers. For instance, consider to visualize the top-10 activated words in three different statuses, initial, middle and final:

first_iter_sem = model.rank_status_activation(results[1]['status']['FreeAssociations'])
first_iter_phon = model.rank_status_activation(results[1]['status']['PhonSimilarities'])

first_iter_sem = dict(list(first_iter_sem.items())[:10])
first_iter_phon = dict(list(first_iter_phon.items())[:10])

This way we can access to the top-10 activated words in the initial statues. Differently from the base model, we need to specify the layer. Continuining the code for visualization:

middle_iter_sem = model.rank_status_activation(results[4]['status']['FreeAssociations'])
middle_iter_phon = model.rank_status_activation(results[4]['status']['PhonSimilarities'])
middle_iter_sem = dict(list(middle_iter_sem.items())[:10])
middle_iter_phon = dict(list(middle_iter_phon.items())[:10])

final_iter_sem = model.rank_status_activation(results[9]['status']['FreeAssociations'])
final_iter_phon = model.rank_status_activation(results[9]['status']['PhonSimilarities'])
final_iter_sem = dict(list(final_iter_sem.items())[:10])
final_iter_phon = dict(list(final_iter_phon.items())[:10])

sem_dicts = [first_iter_sem, middle_iter_sem, final_iter_sem]
phon_dicts =  [first_iter_phon, middle_iter_phon, final_iter_phon]

model.plot_top_k_rank(sem_dicts, phon_dicts, [1,4,9])


Example 4: Analyzing Superdiffusion

We follow Gomez et al. (2013) to study whether superdiffusion applies in a multilayer network to choose analytically our values of the intra_layer_r and inter_layer_r parameters in the Multilayer Spreading Activation model. The AnalyticalUtils class provides the methods to replicate the study in Gomez et al. (2013).

We calculate the laplacian for each (semantic and phonological) layer and the average laplacian of the two layers:

L_sem = utils.laplacian_for_layers(layer_names=['FreeAssociations'])
L_phon = utils.laplacian_for_layers(layer_names=['PhonSimilarities'])

L_sem_phon = utils.average_laplacian(L_sem, L_phon)

For each laplacian, we want to compute the second smallest eigenvalue:

lambda2_sem = utils.compute_second_smallest_eigenvalue(L_sem)
lambda2_phon = utils.compute_second_smallest_eigenvalue(L_phon)

lambda2_sem_phon = utils.compute_second_smallest_eigenvalue(L_sem_phon)

Then, we select values of Dx (coherently with the terminology of the original paper), that are our values of inter_layer_r, to compute the supra-laplacian of the multiplex network composed of the combination of the two layers:

Dx = [.05, .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]

SL = []
lambda2_sl = []
for d in Dx:
    sl = utils.supralaplacian(L_sem, L_phon, dx=d)

Finally, we study the superdiffusion plotting the eigenvalues in function of the Dx\inter_layer_r parameter:

plt.plot(Dx, [lambda2_sem]*len(Dx), label='semantic', ls='dotted', color='k') # constant
plt.plot(Dx, [lambda2_phon]*len(Dx), label='phonological', ls='dashed', color='k') # constant
plt.plot(Dx, [lambda2_sem_phon]*len(Dx), label='(sem.+phon.)/2', ls='dashdot', color='k') # constant
plt.plot(Dx, [2*el for el in Dx], label='2Dx', color='k')
plt.plot(Dx, lambda2_sl, label='Supra-Lapl.', color='red', lw=2)
plt.xlabel('Dx', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('λ2', fontsize=18)
plt.grid(True, which="both", ls="-", alpha=0.2)



Collins, A. M., & Loftus, E. F. (1975). A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing. Psychological review, 82(6), 407.

Gomez, S., Diaz-Guilera, A., Gomez-Gardenes, J., Perez-Vicente, C. J., Moreno, Y., & Arenas, A. (2013). Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks. Physical review letters, 110(2), 028701.

Siew, C. S. (2019). spreadr: An R package to simulate spreading activation in a network. Behavior Research Methods, 51(2), 910-929.

Stella, M., Beckage, N. M., Brede, M., & De Domenico, M. (2018). Multiplex model of mental lexicon reveals explosive learning in humans. Scientific reports, 8(1), 2259.

Stella, M. (2020). Multiplex networks quantify robustness of the mental lexicon to catastrophic concept failures, aphasic degradation and ageing. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 554, 124382.

Vitevitch, M. S., Ercal, G., & Adagarla, B. (2011). Simulating retrieval from a highly clustered network: Implications for spoken word recognition. Frontiers in psychology, 2, 369.


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