DSpace aims to enable people to find, collect, edit, structure and share any kind of information in a real-time, massive-collaboration, augmented-reality-environment (like wikipedia), based on a very common ground: The map of the area, where people actually are, around their Geolocation.
We work on develop branch and keep master stable for going live!
- Website: https://apollo.open-resource.org/lab:dspace
- Github: https://github.com/apollo-ng/dspace-client
- IRC: #apollo@freenode
- Mumble: ticonderoga.open-resource.org
- Mailinglist: [email protected]
- Blog: https://apollo.open-resource.org/tag:dspace
- Requires node.js 0.8.x & npm 1.x
- $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
- $ sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev npm
- $ emerge -av nodejs
When your distro fails to supply you with a working nodejs & npm environment, you can try:
- $ git clone git://apollo.open-resource.org/dspace-client
Generate docs (optional)
You need naturaldocs to build the docs:
- $ make doc
Install Development- and Runtime Depenencies
- $ npm install
Start the local some development server
- adsf (ruby)
- simple-http (python)
- nginx
Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/index.dev.html
- $ git flow init
- ender
- backbone
- handlebars
- modestmaps
- markers
- easey + easey.handlers