- Install Apple's Command Line Tools, which are prerequisites for Git and Homebrew.
xcode-select --install
- Install Homebrew, followed by the software listed in the Brewfile.
# These could also be in an install script.
# Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
# Then pass in the Brewfile location...
brew bundle --file ~/.dotfiles/Brewfile
# ...or move to the directory first.
cd ~/.dotfiles && brew bundle
- Use Stow to Manage Dotfiles
To apply your dotfiles (configuration files), use stow to symlink them from your ~/.dotfiles
directory to the appropriate locations in your home directory.
Run the following command to symlink all dotfiles:
stow ~/.dotfiles/* <folder name>
This will create symlinks for all the configuration files in your ~/.dotfiles
directory, ensuring that your system is set up with your desired configurations.