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CADAnimation (Name still in work)

This repo is my graduation work. Web application for creating a 3D models animation! Created with Angular and Three.js. Also i use Angular Materials and Quill.

You can already try it by following the link (Most of the inscriptions are in Russian and will be translated later).



You can import files such as GLTF/GLB wich is natively supported by Three.js, but most important that you can load STEP/IGES and BREP files thanks to awesome occt-import-js from @kovacsv.

  • STEP
  • IGES
  • BREP
  • (maybe in the future) OBJ
  • (maybe in the future) IFC


This app also support animation import from CAD Kompas3D (but only translation and opacity animation).


  • 💪 Select and edit multiple parts at once with CTRL
  • 🎨 Change the look of every part of your model
  • 💾 Export your models to GLTF
  • 🧊 Navigate with the handy ViewCube
  • 🌆 Make your scene look better with background color, grid, ground reflection, orthographic camera, outlines and wireframes
  • 🖼️ Create snapshot of the size you want or even capture a video of your animation!
  • 💡 Add and animate different types of light
  • 💬 Add and animate annotation
  • ✂️ Create animation with cutting planes
  • 📷 Create camera animation
  • 🌌 Add axes to your scene and rotate parts around them
  • 🎞️ Edit the created animation with actions and keyframes on the timeline (Use CTRL to select multiple objects and SHIFT to move actions across tracks)


Run with docker

  • Excute npm run build, to get angular packed file dist/cadanimation
  • Add a Dockerfile
FROM nginx
USER root
COPY ./dist/cadanimation /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
  • Add a docker-compose.yml
    user: root
    container_name: cadanimation
    build: .
    image: cadanimation:1.0.0
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "1902:80"
      - ./dist/cadanimation:/usr/share/nginx/html
  • Excute docker compose up -d, to build the docker image and start the container
  • Now you can access the web page through http://localhost:1902
  • If you've made some change, excute npm run build and docker restart cadanimation to effectuate it

To Do

  • Model explode animation (Select group of objects and them press button for exploded view)
  • Animation saving/loading (Save and Load your animation as a simple JSON file)
  • Scene record and export to your PC (Record your scene at various framerates and resolutions to WEBP)
  • How to use tutorials
  • (maybe in the future) Three PathTracing support



You can see more examples of animations made with this app in this folder.


If you have any questions please email me [email protected].