We needed a way to manage the sort
in our App
both on the server
) and mobile
) client.
So we wrote this mini package that works in both languages.
is a maintainable list of sort objects/maps
that anyone can read
to be informed of sort
used in our App(s).
It makes it easier for us to keep them
in one place
and means
anyone can contribute.
This package is for us by us. We don't expect anyone else to use it. It's Open Source so that anyone using our Apps can view and contribute to the list.
Add sort
to your dependencies
in mix.exs
def deps do
{:sort, "~> 1.0.0"},
sort = Sort.get_list()
# use them how you see fit
Documentation available at: hexdocs.pm/sort
You can run the following command to install the dependency.
flutter pub add srt
add srt
to your dependencies
in pubspec.yml
srt: ^1.0.0
final sortArray = Sort.get()
# use them how you see fit
Documentation available at: pub.dev/packages/sort