Earlybirds for preact is a wrapper around the earlybirds-js project and provides a set of components and helpers that'll facilitate the implementation of earlybirds.
Let's say we have this recommendations block in our website and we want to display the earlybirds's recommendations instead of ours:
<div id='recommendations'>
<!-- to be replaced -->
First, we need to create a datasourceId in our platform that corresponds to a customer referential ( internet account, CRM, … )
We can now make an identify request by providing a profile object that contains :
// case 1 : Create a new user
profile: {}
// case 2 : Identify the user by its profile id
profile: {
id: {{profileId}},
// case 3 : Matching between visitor id and earlybirds profile id
// if you use this option, all properties are mandatory
profile: {
datasources: [{
id: {{datasourceId}} // the customer referential id,
originalId: {{originalId}} // customer id in your referential
The identify request returns a profile ID that should be stored in a cookie for later use so we should re-trigger an identify only when needed (profile has changed or cookie is expired). The implementation detail is abstracted away because we use the earlybirds-js library from which earlybirds-ui is based on.
We then trigger the recommendation request by providing the widgetId and the profileId.
<Identify profile={PROFILE_CONFIG}>
<Recos widgetId='WIDGET_ID'>
{datas => {
<RecosContainer datas={datas} />
{mappedDatas => {
We introduced 2 components from the earlybirds UI.
The first one is <Identify />
that is used to identify a visitor.
The second one is <Recos />
that retrieves the recommendation and
expect a renderfn that will be called with the datas
The third component <RecosContainer />
do some intermediary processing and print the result.
Here is RecosContainer implementation :
const RecosContainer = ({datas, children}) => {
const mappedDatas = datas.map(x => <div>{x.product.title}</div>)
/* output a list of product */
Accept a profile object as parameter and perform an identify request when needed. Render its child when identify request is completed.
Accept a widgetId as parameter to retrieve the recommendations list. Also expect a component attribute or a child component where the 'datas' will be rendered to as props.
widgetId (mandatory) : the widget id
automount (optional) : Earlybirds getRecommendations call returns a
location path where the widget will be mounted to. The default value is
Can be set to false
if you want to disable the feature.
You can also pass a selector (ex: 'body .another-location') if you want to mount the
widget elsewhere.
Accept 'datas' as parameter and call a renderFn with the wrappedDatas.
elementToShow : number of element per slide
settings : accept a configuration to handle responsiveness
const settings = {
responsive: [{
bp: 1024, // screen size
elementToShow: 5
bp: 768,
elementToShow: 3
bp: 480,
elementToShow: 1
<Slider datas={datas} settings={settings}>
{list => (
datas object should be wrapped inside a component before passing it to Slider.
It will display :
- 5 elements when the screen size is 768 or above
- 3 elements when the screen size is between 480 and 768
- 1 element when the screen size is under 480
In order to work, we need to enable the css module in webpack
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader?modules&importLoaders=1']
# run the tests
npm run test