photogrammetry pipeline
- a set of images from the same sample (.CR3)
- a camera
- a color checker
- a turning table
- a light box
- softwares:
- Adobe DNG Converter (free, optional)
- Adobe Lightroom (paid) OR DarkTable (free)
- Helicon Focus (paid)
- Agisoft Metashape (paid)
- photo capture
- photo format convertion (optional) using
Adobe DNG Converter
- photo color calibration based on a color profile using
Adobe Lightroom
- photo clustering: divide photos based on rotations using
Helicon Focus
- photo focus stacking: combine photos from the same rotation using
python scripts
- 3D model building using
Agisoft Metashape
- romove photo background
- align photos from different rotations and angles
- build mesh
- build texture
- scale models based on markers
Some Pedicularis floral 3D models
Detailed notes please refer to the wiki page.
Leménager, M., Burkiewicz, J., Schoen, D.J., Joly, S., 2022. Studying flowers in 3D using photogrammetry. New Phytol. nph.18553.