In order to determine color measurements with the spectrometer, calculations must be made based on spectrum values. This repository contains applications related to these calculations. Applications for determining color measurements with the spectrometer or for calibrating spectrometers are included. The applications support spectrometers developed by the Insion company as the spectrometer brand. These applications are;
Berger-Whiteness-Tint-Measurements : With the spectrometer, berger, whiteness, and tint color measurements are made.
MultiSpectrometerReader : Color measurements are taken from multiple spectrometers. The color measurements include delta E, L, a, and b values. Color differences between the spectrometers are also measured.
ReflectanceCalculation : Application that calculates the required reflectance value for color measurements.
SpectrometerReader : Color measurement is taken from a single spectrometer. The color measurements include delta E, L, a, and b values.
StandardDeviation : To determine whether the spectrometer is affected by environmental conditions during color measurement, the standard deviation needs to be calculated. The application displays the standard deviation on a chart.
C# IDE: Visual Studio 2019
C# .NET Framework Version: 4.6.1