This application provide parse transform for easy generate opaque Model from module it defined, with special functions.
First of all you need to enable parse_transform in module.
-compile({parse_transform, tq_record_transform}).
Next you need to describe fields
-field({FiledName, [{OptionName, OptionValue}]}).
Field name must be valid atom.
- type
- ext_name :: binary()
- to_ext :: Fun | {Mod, Fun} | {Mod, Fun, Args}
- from_ext :: Fun | {Mod, Fun} | {Mod, Fun, Args} | none
- mode :: r | w | rw | sr | sw | srsw | rsw | srw
- required : true | false
- default : any()
- default_func :: Fun | {Mod, Fun} | {Mod, Fun, Args}
- get : true | false | custom
- set : true | false | custom
- record : true | false
- validators : Fun | {Mod, Fun} | {Mod, Fun, Args}
-model([{OptionName, OptionValue}]).
- validators : Fun | {Mod, Fun} | {Mod, Fun, Args}
Create new model
-spec new() -> Model.
new() -> Model.
%% Getter
-spec FiledName(Model) -> any().
FiledName(Model) -> ... .
%% Setter
-spec set_FiledName(Value :: any(), Model) -> Model.
set_FiledName(Value, Model) -> ... .
Function convert model to proplist. Only fields which access_mode marked r
are stores in proplist.
-spec to_proplist(Opts, Model) -> [{atom(), any()}, ...] when
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe.
to_proplist(Model) ->
... .
to_proplist(Opts, model) ->
... .
Opts :
- unsafe - put variables which access_mode marked as
in result proplist too
Same as to_proplist, but each argument transforms using to_ext field option function.
-spec to_ext_proplist(Opts, Model) -> [{atom(), any()}, ...] when
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe.
to_ext_proplist(Model) ->
... .
to_ext_proplist(Opts, model) ->
... .
Opts :
- unsafe - put variables which access_mode marked as
in result proplist too
Same as to_proplist, but you need to specify fields, and function verifies field existanse and access mode.
-spec fields(Fields, Opts, Model) -> {ok, Proplist} | {error, Reasons} when
Fields :: [Field],
Field :: atom(),
Proplist :: [{atom(), any()}, ...],
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe | ext_key,
Reasons :: [{field(), Reason}],
Reason :: unknown | forbidden.
fields(Fields, Model) ->
... .
fields(Fields, Opts, Model) ->
... .
- unsafe - put variables which access_mode marked as
in result proplist too - ext_key - Fields are represented as binaries.
- ignore_unknown - ignore unknown options
Same as to_ext_proplist, but you need to specify fields, and function verifies field existanse and access mode.
-spec ext_fields(Fields, Opts, Model) -> {ok, Proplist} | {error, Reasons} when
Fields :: [Field],
Field :: atom(),
Proplist :: [{atom(), any()}, ...],
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe | ext_key,
Reasons :: [{field(), Reason}],
Reason :: unknown | forbidden.
ext_fields(Fields, Model) ->
... .
ext_fields(Fields, Opts, Model) ->
... .
- unsafe - put variables which access_mode marked as
in result proplist too - ext_key - Fields are represented as binaries.
Generates model from proplist with atom keys.
-spec from_proplist(Proplist, Opts, Model) -> {ok, [{atom(), any()}, ...]} | {error, Reasons} when
Proplist :: [{atom(), any()}, ...],
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe | ignore_unknown,
Reasons :: [{field(), Reason}],
Reason :: unknown.
from_proplist(Proplist) ->
... .
from_proplist(Proplist, Opts) ->
... .
from_proplist(Proplist, Model) ->
... .
from_proplist(Proplist, Opts, Model) ->
... .
-spec from_ext_proplist(Proplist, Opts, Model) -> {ok, [{atom(), any()}, ...]} | {error, Reasons} when
Proplist :: [{binary(), binary()}, ...],
Opts :: [Option],
Option :: unsafe | ignore_unknown,
Reasons :: [{field(), Reason}],
Reason :: unknown.
from_ext_proplist(Proplist) ->
... .
from_ext_proplist(Proplist, Opts) ->
... .
from_ext_proplist(Proplist, Model) ->
... .
from_ext_proplist(Proplist, Opts, Model) ->
... .
[ToDo] Description
-spec field_from_ext(FieldName, Val) -> {ok, FieldVal} | {error, Reason}.
Convert value to field type using from_ext function and valid result value with field validators.
[ToDo] Description
-spec valid(Model) -> ok | {error, Reasons}.
Check that model is valid, by performing each field validator and whole model validators.
-spec get_changed_fields(Model) -> [{FieldName, FieldValue}, ...].
Return the list that was changed.
-spec is_new(Model) -> true | false.
Return true if model is new. Uses at most with db model generators.
-spec is_changed(FieldName, Model) -> true | false.
Check that field is changed.
-spec get_field_name(FieldName, Opts) -> {ok, ModelFieldName} | {error, Reason} when
FieldName :: binary() | atom(),
Opts :: [Opt],
Opt :: ext_key | {mode, Mode},
Mode :: r | w | rw | sr | sw | srw | rsw | rsrw,
Reason :: {FieldName, unknown} | [{any(), unknown_option}].
Check that field exists in model structure and accessable with 'mode' rights. Field name must be binary if ext_key option is set.
-compile({parse_transform, tq_record_transform}).
{type, binary},
{mode, rw}
{type, integer},
{mode, rw},
{validators, [{more_then, [18]}]}
[{type, binary},
{mode, srw}
more_then(A, Val) when A > Val ->
{error, {less_then, A}}.
more_then(A, _Val) ->
1> Data = [{<<"name">>, <<"User1">>}, {<<"password">>, <<"123456">>}, {<<"unknown_data">>, <<"qwerty">>}].
2> {ok, User} = user_model:from_ext_proplist(Data, [ignore_unknown]).
3> User:valid().
{error, [{age, required}]}
4> User2 = User:set_age(12).
5> User2:valid().
{error, [{age, {less_then, 18}}]}
6> User3 = User2:set_age(20).
7> User3:valid().
8> User3:to_proplist().
9> User3:to_proplist([unsafe]).