Gitty is android application that uses many various tools.
All the app does is call github's api and places the data onto a recycler view.
Dagger 2
- dependency injection, by building my own dependency graph
- allows me to abstract the unwanted details, have more readable code, and increases app launch time.
- helps me call apis like the github api in a quick and readable manner.
- helps with readability and works well with retrofit.
- easy to run code in a background thread and simplfies asynchronous chain operations.
Data Binding
- rather than having logic in the adapter's onBindView, the data is binded to a xml layout.
- by giving your views ids and wrapping your xml layouts in "
<layout> </layout>
", you can access your components from the compiled binding through DataBindingUtil.
There is a lot more that you can do with these tools!