Use built-in function to convert source code to AST #1202
10 errors and 10 warnings
Run mix test
test fixes in variables applied to a struct module match %module{} (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
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test fixes in variables applied to a variable with a pattern matched struct (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in variables applied to a list element (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in variables applied to struct param matches (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in parameters applied to a pattern match in params (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in structures applied to a branch in a case (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in parameters applied to the tail of a list params = [a, b, | unused] (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in variables applied to map value (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in variables preserves other lines (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
test fixes in structures applied to a match in a with block (ElixirLS.LanguageServer.Providers.CodeAction.ReplaceWithUnderscoreTest)
Run mix test
function find_controllers/4 is unused
Run mix test
function skip_scope_alias/2 is unused
Run mix test
module attribute @phoenix_route_funcs was set but never used
Run mix test
unused alias Binding
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unused alias Matcher
Run mix test
unused alias Scope
Run mix test
unused alias Source
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Code.Fragment.container_cursor_to_quoted/1 is undefined (module Code.Fragment is not available or is yet to be defined)
Run mix test
Macro.path/2 is undefined or private
Run mix test
Mix.ensure_application!/1 is undefined or private
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