Python code for producing emotionality scores from Gennaro and Ash (2021).
To set up, from inside the main folder:
- type
pip install -r requirements.txt
in command line to install dependency packages (or pip3 in some systems e.g. Ubuntu) - type
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
in command line to install the necessary language corpus for packagespacy
(or python3 in some systems).- It is possible to use other spacy-supported corpus in the format
, wheresize
could besm
for small,md
for medium, orlg
for large. Make sure to download it (here) and specify it incorpus
argument in the EmotionMeter initizalizer (see the example below). - You may check the list of supported languages with spacy
- It is possible to use other spacy-supported corpus in the format
- put the .csv file that contains your dataset in folder
. You may try with our dataset. - make sure the word lists
are in folderword_lists
. You may also use your own or ours that is already provided (or from the same link if they are missing).
To use,
- import the package
and create the instance of it, specifyingdata_path
for the path to your .csv data, e.g."data/smallExtractedTweets.csv"
for the text column's name in the .csv, e.g."Tweet"
is the spaCy model for the pre-trained embeddings with format{lang}_core_web_{size}
, e.g."en_core_web_sm"
- for example usage, e.g.:
# import the package
from emotionmeter import EmotionMeter
# and create the instance of it
meter = EmotionMeter(data_path="data/smallExtractedTweets.csv",
# get df with calculated reasoning and emotional scores
meter_with_score = meter.calculate_score_and_other_stats()
# print sample most emotional tweets
# print odds ratio per hashtag in Democrat's tweets
Some notes:
- If you would like to import the package into your own script outside the package folder, change the directory in the import part
from ... import EmotionMeter
on the first line