This repo contains high quality production ready Dockerfile and script to build images.
It can be automatic build using github action or manually by command sh dir_name
- Please follow Dockerfile best practice
- Changes MUST be compatible for same image tag
- sdrzlyz/alpine
- sdrzlyz/alpine-glibc
- sdrzlyz/centos-sshd
- sdrzlyz/envoy:1.26.1
- sdrzlyz/ffmpeg
- sdrzlyz/go-dev
- sdrzlyz/ikev2:5.9.9
- sdrzlyz/ml
- sdrzlyz/nginx:1.26.2
- sdrzlyz/pg:13
- sdrzlyz/prest:1.5.5
- sdrzlyz/redis:7.0
- sdrzlyz/strapi:4.3.4
- sdrzlyz/tools netcat tcpdump psql mycli
- sdrzlyz/ubuntu