An Emacs theme based on green CRT terminals
Vegetative installation
M-x package-install vegetative-theme
Vegetative was built with Autothemer and Kurecolor. They dramatically improve developer happiness when writing themes for Emacs.
If you're making Emacs themes you should check them out.
- autocomplete
- ag (The Silver Searcher)
- anzu
- auctex
- avy
- col-highlight
- column-enforce-mode
- column-marker
- company
- diff
- diff-hl
- diff-indicator
- dired+
- diredfl
- dired-subtre
- el-search
- elfeed
- elscreen
- embrace
- erc
- eww
- flycheck
- git-commit
- git-gutter
- git-gutter+
- git-gutter-fr+
- gnus
- haskell
- helm
- hi-lock
- highlight-indentation-mode
- highlight-numbers
- highlight-symbol
- hydra
- ido
- iedit
- info
- isearch
- ivy
- js2
- linum
- linum-relative
- magit
- multiple-cursors
- nameless
- org-mode
- orderless
- package.el
- popup
- powerline
- rainbow-delimiters
- rainbow-identifiers
- ripgrep
- sh mode
- show-paren
- smart-mode-line
- smartparens
- smerge
- spaceline
- swiper
- term / ansi-colors
- vc
- vline
- which-key
- window-divider-mode
- whitespace-mode
Inspired by old green monochrome CRT Terminals.