Lambda-line is a custom status-line (or “mode-line) for Emacs. It is configurable for use either as a header-line or as a footer-line.
The status-line has the structure:
[ status name (primary) tertiary secondary ]
Information displayed depends on major mode. Not all segments display in every mode.
To achieve the above coloration of the status-line see lambda-themes.
Lambda-line is not yet on MELPA. In the meantime to use this package you’ll have to clone or otherwise download the repo and put it into your load path. Here’s a basic way of setting it up using use-package and straight.
(use-package lambda-line
:straight (:type git :host github :repo "lambda-emacs/lambda-line")
(lambda-line-icon-time t) ;; requires all-the-icons
(lambda-line-position 'top) ;; Set position of status-line
(lambda-line-abbrev t) ;; abbreviate major modes
(lambda-line-hspace " ") ;; add some cushion
(lambda-line-prefix t) ;; use a prefix symbol
(lambda-line-prefix-padding nil) ;; no extra space for prefix
(lambda-line-status-invert nil) ;; no invert colors
(lambda-line-gui-ro-symbol " ⨂") ;; symbols
(lambda-line-gui-mod-symbol " ⬤")
(lambda-line-gui-rw-symbol " ◯")
(lambda-line-space-top +.50) ;; padding on top and bottom of line
(lambda-line-space-bottom -.50)
(lambda-line-symbol-position 0.1) ;; adjust the vertical placement of symbol
;; activate lambda-line
;; set divider line in footer
(when (eq lambda-line-position 'top)
(setq-default mode-line-format (list "%_"))
(setq mode-line-format (list "%_"))))
Lambda-line has a lot of different options for customization. Please see
M-x customize-group lambda-line
for full details.
- Set
to header (top) or footer (bottom). - Use a prefix status icon in the status-line with
lambda-line-prefix t
. - Customize the various prefix status symbols in both GUI and TTY with
.- NOTE: If you use symbols you should make sure you are using a font that
will display them properly. Here is one reliable way, using Symbola font:
(use-package fontset :straight (:type built-in) ;; only include this if you use straight :config ;; Use symbola for proper unicode (when (member "Symbola" (font-family-list)) (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Symbola" nil)))
- NOTE: If you use symbols you should make sure you are using a font that
will display them properly. Here is one reliable way, using Symbola font:
- Abbreviate major modes with
. - Show current time (via dynamic svg icon); note that time info is only shown `display-time-mode’ is non-nil.
- Show both vc project and branch in the modeline
- Show the diff in the status-line with
. - Set the symbol for vc project buffers with
. - Set a visual bell with
. - Set char length for truncating information using
. - Control the right margin padding with
. - Set the top and bottom padding of the status-line with
. andlambda-line-space-bottom
. - Set the position of the prefix status symbol with
. - Show flycheck/flymake report in status-line with
.- If you use flymake, you might want to configure the status-line display with the following, which provides a minimalist display:
(customize-set-variable 'flymake-mode-line-counter-format '("" flymake-mode-line-error-counter flymake-mode-line-warning-counter flymake-mode-line-note-counter ""))
(customize-set-variable 'flymake-mode-line-format '(" " flymake-mode-line-exception flymake-mode-line-counters))
- Set the modes in which the status-line is formatted with
. - Set the default display function for the status-line with
. This is set tolambda-line-default-mode
but can be customized to any function the user wishes.
Lambda-line also sets a variety of faces that can be individually customized.
- The basic structure of the status line is heavily indebted to Rougier’s work on nano-modeline.
- My bespoke-modeline was my first attempt to create a custom mode-line and the original basis for much of the current code.
- The idea for the flycheck/flymake segment function is originally from mood-line.