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Labijie Caching ( kotlin )

for java see this:

This project was production ready

A cache structure that supports expiration on each key. GitHub Workflow Status (with event) Maven Central

All of the jar packages has been uploaded to the maven central.

😄 Now, kryo serializer was fully supported for redis ( since 1.0.7 ) !!

Kryo serialization saves 80% memory than spring redis template (jdk serialization) !!

just configure this:

infra.caching.redis.default-serializer: kryo

add depenedency in gradle project

Use memory cahce only:

dependencies {
    compile "com.labijie:caching-kotlin:1.0.7"

for redis:

dependencies {
    compile "com.labijie:caching-kotlin-redis:1.0.7"

Memory Quick Start

You only need to use the ICacheManager interface, which can be easily integrated into the IOC container, such as spring. use

val memoryCache = MemoryCacheManager(MemoryCacheOptions())

//sliding time expires
memoryCache.set("2", Any(), 3000L, TimePolicy.Sliding)

//absolute time expires
memoryCache.set("a", Any(), 1000L, TimePolicy.Absolute)


Spring Integration

import package:

for memory:

dependencies {
    compile "com.labijie:caching-kotlin-core-starter:1.0.7"

for redis:

dependencies {
    compile "com.labijie:caching-kotlin-redis-starter:1.0.7"

Once the "starter" jar was in classpath, ICacheManager bean can be injected:

private lateinit var cacheManager:ICacheManager

Annotation Usage

Declare method cache using @Cache annotation. expireMills = 5000 indicates that the cache data will expires in 5 seconds after set.

interface IData {
     fun getData(): Something

class Data : IData {
    @Cache(key="'mykey'", expireMills = 5000, region="a")
     fun getData(): Something {

SpEL was supported for key attribute and region attribute:

interface IUserService {
    fun getUserById(userId: Long):User
    fun updateUser(user: User)

 class UserService : IUserService {
    @Cache(key="#userId", expireMills = 5000, region="'user-' + #userId % 4")
     fun getUserById(userId: Long):User{

    @CacheRemove(key="#user.userId", region="'user-' + (#user.userId % 4)")
    fun updateUser(user: User){

Sliding expiration time is also easy to use:

public interface ISessionService {
     fun getUserSession(userId: Long):UserSession

public interface ISessionService {
    @Cache(key="#userId", expireMills = 3600000, timePolicy = TimePolicy.Sliding)
     fun getUserSession(userId: Long):UserSession{


Caching-kotlin will not provide the way annotations are used on the interface method any more, because the annotations on the interface break the rule that the interface should not care about details of implementing, and we think caching is also a detail of the implementation. So, all @CacheXXX have to annotation on implement class method

Partial off cache

In a nested method, you might want to disable the cache annotation effect. for example, if you are using JPA to get data for updates, so you might want to get data directly from the database, this action can also be done easily:

fun suppressCache(CacheOperation.Get, CacheOperation.Set){
    val user = userService.getUserById(123456) //the operation cache will be prevented
    cacheManager.set("u2", user) //the operation cache will be prevented


@SuppressCache(operations = [CacheOperation.Get])
fun noCacheMethod(){
    val user = userService.getUserById(123456)  

Global Off cache

use configuration to off cache:

    provider: none

Work with redis


The redis cache supports multiple regions, different regions can be different redis db, or they can be different redis server.

The following example shows the Redis configuration with two regions ( region1, region2 ):

      default-serializer: json-smile
          url: redis://localhost:6379/1
          url: redis://localhost:6379/2

The Redis cache also supports the master-slave redis servers (region name: default):

          url: redis://host1:6379, redis://host2:6379, redis://host3:6379

Since we use lettuce as a redis client, the URLs in all of the above examples are "lettuce schema", and to learn more about redis url, see here:

Current version read preferred from slaves and fall back to master if no slave is not available by default. Specified operation to read master will be supported in the future but not now ..

Redis Data Serializer

Jackson is used as a serializer by default in the redis implementation, so the objects you want to cache must can be serialized and deserialized by Jackson (for example, it must contains a none args constructor).

There are 3 built-in serializers, here is their configuration names you can use:

  • json-smile (for json smile binary serializer)
  • json (for json text serializer)
  • kryo (for kryo binary serializer)

For spring project, every serializer include an customize interface for configure. Looks like IXXXXCacheDataSerializerCustomizer:

  • IJacksonCacheDataSerializerCustomizer
  • IJsonSmileCacheDataSerializerCustomizer
  • IKryoCacheDataSerializerCustomizer

Caching-kotlin also provide the ability to create serializer by yourself:

class MySerializer : ICacheDataSerializer {
    override val name: String = "my-serializer"
    override fun serializeData(data: Any): ByteArray {

    override fun <T : Any> deserializeData(type: KClass<T>, data: ByteArray): T? {

A serializer has only 2 conditions:

  1. It must be an implement of ICacheDataSerializer interface
  2. It must be a Spring bean

Caching-kotlin will automatically load all beans that implement the ICacheDataSerializer interface, they will be auto registered when application startup.

After you define a serializer, you can use it like follow:

          url: redis://localhost:6379
          serializer: my-serializer

Compile Requirements

Gradle Version >= 6