From an awesome idea got from jbranchaud, a repository to collect all the today I learned about the more different topics I learned.
- Opo factory restore on 2016-04-30
- Reboot on system upgrade on 2016-03-10
- Change language version on 2016-02-26
- Discovery on 2016-02-23
- Anyenv on 2016-02-23
- Export patch from stash on 2016-12-23
- Export subtree with history on 2020-02-04
- Import history in another repo on 2020-02-04
- Use module fork on 2019-12-13
- Template output as string on 2020-07-30
- Create tar.gz file on 2020-10-24
- Resize svg drawing to canvas on 2016-12-06
- Recover a crashed node on 2020-04-23
- Delete all pods by search on 2020-04-23
- Restart pods in deployment on 2020-11-02
- Delete all pods not in running state on 2021-03-05
- Hide user from login screen on 2018-04-06
- Convert pdf to image on 2021-01-13
- Extract page from pdf on 2021-01-13
- Debugging on 2021-07-16
- Mysqldump permissions on 2016-03-15
- Specify connection application name on 2019-10-10
- Vulnerability scanner on 2016-02-26
- Security on 2016-02-26
- Rake tasks specs on 2016-03-17
- Hide ruby deprecation warnings on 2020-08-29
- Check website response time on 2016-02-25
- Create huge file on 2020-08-11
- All mac addresses in LAN on 2016-03-08
- Uefi external hd boot on 2016-04-20
- Change file timestamps on 2016-04-20
- Get debconf available selections on 2016-07-12
- See bandwith usage per process on 2016-12-06
- Show processes using files on 2016-12-07
- How to download certificate from server on 2016-12-23
- Create encrypted partition on 2017-05-18
- View last successfull and failed login attempts on 2016-09-29
- Disable systemd service manually on 2017-06-23
- Show ssh key fingerprint on 2017-11-07
- Test starttls smtp auth on 2017-12-12
- Change ssh key passphrase on 2018-02-15
- Change gpg expire date on 2018-03-10
- Search gpg in keyserver on 2018-03-10
- Send gpg key to keyserver on 2018-03-10
- List files in deb package on 2019-10-11
- Graceful nginx shutdown on 2020-11-20
- Querying unix sockets with curl on 2021-02-10
- Modules depends on on 2020-05-20
- Concatenating video files on 2016-04-20
- Converting video files on 2017-03-21
- Cut video with ffmpeg on 2017-11-07
- Rotate video on 2017-11-07
- Read from stdin on 2020-09-25
- Send vim buffer to command on 2020-09-25
- Editing pipes (with $editor) on 2020-09-25