The project is created with React.js and its main objective is to allow users to easily add their social media accounts to a data grid table.
- I have dealt with more detailed usage examples of the sort method.
- I learned how to make pagination.
- I learned how to use the react context api more efficiently.
- I took care to make all structures by separating them into components. This made the application easier to maintain.
- The grid system in CSS was used to style the table easily, making the styling process more straightforward and efficient.
- The application was made without using any datagrid library, in this way, more benefit from the React library.
- Formik and Yup packages were used for the construction and validation of the forms.
- TypeScript has been used in this project to enhance type safety and ensure better code integrity.
git clone
yarn add
Then, run the application in the command line and it will be available at http://localhost:5173/
yarn dev
This project uses SASS and css-modules.
CSS Module provides use the same class names in multiple files with gives unique name. Every class name is scoped locally to the specific component in which it is being imported.
SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a pre-processor scripting language that will be compiled or interpreted into CSS. The SCSS syntax (.scss) is used most commonly.