One night I got bored of writing good code, so I made good code to make bad code.
I just made this because it was interesting to me. I do plan on making this more official in the future, but currently don't have the time!
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pip install python-obfuscator
Print out obfuscated code
pyobfuscate -i
Apply changes to the input file
pyobfuscate -i -r True
You can use this as a module if you want
import python_obfuscator
obfuscator = python_obfuscator.obfuscator()
code_to_obfuscate = "print('hello world')"
You can also exclude certain techniques applied for obfuscation
import python_obfuscator
from python_obfuscator.techniques import add_random_variables
obfuscator = python_obfuscator.obfuscator()
code_to_obfuscate = "print('hello world')"
obfuscated_code = obfuscator.obfuscate(code_to_obfuscate, remove_techniques[add_random_variables])
Find a list of all techniques here
y = input("what's your favorite number")
user_value = int(y)
print("{} that's a great number!".format(user_value))
- David Teather - Initial work - davidteather
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details