An opinionated Giter8 template for Play Framework web applications.
Many of the template fields are used for library versions referenced within the generated code. This can make the interactive template menu a bit tedious. Here are some pre-built commands for common use cases that will bypass the interactive setup.
sbt new enzeart/play-web-scala-seed.g8 \
--name=play-web-test \
sbt new enzeart/play-web-scala-seed.g8 \
--name=play-web-test \
--organization=com.example \
sbt new enzeart/play-web-scala-seed.g8 \
--name=play-web-test \
--organization=com.example \
--codeartifact_support_enabled=yes \
Written by Enseart Simpson
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See