Perform Linear Hypothesis (Linear Restriction) Tests. Currently allows to test hypothesis of the following form for GLM
and FixedEffectModels
$ \beta_1 = \beta_2$ $ \beta_2 + 3 \times \beta_2 =5$ $ 0.5 \times \beta_1 + \beta_2 + \beta_3 = \beta_4$ $ 0.5 \times \beta_1 + \beta_2 + \beta_3 = 0$ $ (0.5 \times \beta_1 + \beta_2 + \beta_3)/3 = 0$ $ (0.5 \times \beta_1 + \beta_2 - \beta_3) \times 1.5 = 0$
The function also allows for checking multiple linear restrictions at once:
$ \beta_1 = \beta_2, \beta_3=0$
The LinearHypothesisTests
function either computes a finite-sample F statistic or an asymptotic Chi-squared statistic for carrying out a Wald-test-based comparison between a model and a linearly restricted model.
The package is NOT registered with the General Registry but you can install the package either by using the Pkg REPL mode (press ]
to enter):
pkg> add
or by using Pkg functions
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("")
The first element in the hypothesis should not be negative. Instead of
"-coef1 + coef2 =0"
write"coef2 - coef1 = 0"
. Instead of" -coef1 -coef2 =0"
do the equivalent test of"coef1 + coef2 =0"
Use fractions instead of divisions except if the entire left-hand side is divided. Instead of "
coef1 /2 + coef2 = 0"
write"0.5 * coef1 + coef2=0"
. If you want to test"1/3 * coef1 + coef2 =0"
you can do this"$(1/3) * coef1 + coef2 =0"
. Dividing the entire lhs is ok (e.g."(coef1 + coef2)/2 =0"
The below regression etc are just toy examples to show how the functions work.
using GLM, FixedEffectModels, CSV, DataFrames
using LinearHypothesisTest
data = CSV.File("test/lalonde.csv") |> DataFrame;
m_lm = lm(@formula(treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree ),data);
m_fe = reg(data,@formula(treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree + fe(re74)),Vcov.cluster(:Column1));
julia> m_lm
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
treat ~ 1 + age + educ + race + married + nodegree
Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
(Intercept) 0.371995 0.126153 2.95 0.0033 0.124247 0.619744
age 0.00135367 0.00164096 0.82 0.4097 -0.00186898 0.00457632
educ 0.0183177 0.00818698 2.24 0.0256 0.00223943 0.0343959
race: hispan -0.449351 0.0497604 -9.03 <1e-17 -0.547075 -0.351628
race: white -0.539054 0.0334271 -16.13 <1e-48 -0.604701 -0.473407
married -0.109849 0.0336998 -3.26 0.0012 -0.176031 -0.0436663
nodegree 0.103103 0.0439286 2.35 0.0192 0.0168322 0.189373
Let's test if the coefficent of age + 2*educ = married
julia> LinearHypothesisTests(m_lm, "age + 2*educ = married")
Number of Restrictions: 1
Value: 3.534
5.0% Crit Value: 3.857
P-Value: 6.06%
St Error: [0.038]
Let's test multiple restrictions:
julia> LinearHypothesisTests(m_lm, ["age =educ","married =0 "])
Number of Restrictions: 2
Value: 8.724
5.0% Crit Value: 3.011
P-Value: 0.02%
St Error: [0.008, 0.034]
julia> m_fe
Number of obs: 266 Converged: true
dof (model): 6 dof (residuals): 265
R²: 0.359 R² adjusted: 0.320
F-statistic: 19.0944 P-value: 0.000
R² within: 0.294 Iterations: 1
Estimate Std. Error t-stat Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
age 0.00445118 0.00324399 1.37213 0.1712 -0.00193609 0.0108385
educ 0.0220794 0.0137164 1.60971 0.1087 -0.00492753 0.0490864
race: hispan -0.423725 0.100488 -4.21668 <1e-04 -0.621581 -0.225869
race: white -0.531621 0.0599516 -8.86749 <1e-15 -0.649663 -0.413578
married -0.130539 0.0730434 -1.78715 0.0751 -0.274359 0.0132798
nodegree 0.0991155 0.0807286 1.22776 0.2206 -0.0598355 0.258066
julia> LinearHypothesisTests(m_fe, "age + educ + race: hispan = married")
Number of Restrictions: 1
Value: 3.611
5.0% Crit Value: 3.877
P-Value: 5.85%
St Error: [0.14]