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DSL in Scala for Constraint Solving with Z3 SMT Solver


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ScalaZ3 Build status

This is ScalaZ3 for Z3 4.8.14 and Scala 3.2.0.

Compiling ScalaZ3

You should have Java and SBT 1.7.x installed.

Mac & Unix


sbt +package

to compile Z3 4.8.14 for Scala 3.2.0.

The JAR files will be in target/scala-3.2.0/scalaz3_3-4.8.14.jar and will contain the shared library dependencies.

For testing, run

sbt +test



Install Visual Studio Community edition 2015 Make sure to have the following:

  • Programming Languages
    • Visual C++
      • Common tools for Visual C++ 2015 (CHECK)

Install JDK 1.8 (or higher)

  • There is a folder include in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121. Create a copy of this include folder directly in C:\Program Files\Java\

Install a 64-bit version of GCC. To chec that, run gcc -v, it should display 64. If it shows mingw32 you need to install a new version.

We were able to successfully package and test ScalaZ3 with the MinGW 64bit compiler suite with the following options.

Version: 6.3.0
Architecture: x86_64
Threads: wind32
Esception: seh
Build revision: 2

Packaging instructions

Open the native x64 command prompt (available in the start menu under the Visual Studio folder)

Now navigate to the scalaz3 folder and type:

sbt +package

The JAR files will be in target/scala-3.2.0/scalaz3_3-4.8.14.jar and will contain the shared library dependencies.

Test your package.


sbt test

If this does not work, check that lib-bin/scalaz3.dll is a correctly set up 64 bit dll:

dumpbin /headers lib-bin/scalaz3.dll | findstr machine

The output should be (x64). If you encounter any other issue, please let us know.

Using ScalaZ3

On a single operating system / architecture

Create a folder named unmanaged at the same level as your build.sbt file, and copy the JAR file in target/scala-3.2.0/scalaz3_3-4.8.14.jar into it.

Then add, the following lines to your build.sbt file:

Compile / unmanagedJars += {
  baseDirectory.value / "unmanaged" / s"scalaz3_3-4.8.14.jar"

On multiple operating systems / architectures

If you want to use ScalaZ3 in a project which must support various operating systems and architectures, you will have to compile ScalaZ3 on each of those systems/architectures, following the instructions above.

Make sure to name the resulting JAR files as scalaz3-[osName]-[osArch]-3.jar, where:

  • [osName] is one of: mac, win, unix.
  • [osArch] corresponds to System.getProperty(""), ie. x64, fds, etc.

Create a folder named unmanaged at the same level as your build.sbt file, and copy the aforementioned JAR files into it.

Add the following lines to your build.sbt file:

val osInf = Option(System.getProperty("")).getOrElse("")
val osArch = System.getProperty("")

val isUnix    = osInf.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || osInf.indexOf("nux") >= 0
val isWindows = osInf.indexOf("Win") >= 0
val isMac     = osInf.indexOf("Mac") >= 0

val osName = if (isWindows) "win" else if (isMac) "mac" else "unix"

Compile / unmanagedJars += {
  baseDirectory.value / "unmanaged" / s"scalaz3-$osName-$osArch-3.jar"