A zero-config hook with pretty console output.
Drop in a single line of code with this hook to view component render count, reason, and prop values.
Spot re-renders vs new renders from zero.
export default function MyComponent({
}: {
init: string;
text?: string;
count?: number;
}) {
const [name, setName] = useState(init);
useWhyRenderPlus("MyComponent", {
return <h1>MyComponent</h1>;
Configure the output how you like. For exmaple, highlight only value changes, or put full state output on each re-render.
const optionsDefault: OPTIONS = {
on_change: true, // print the param name when it changes
on_same: false, // print the param name even when it has not changed
val_previous: false, // include previous value on print
val_current: false, // include current value on print
color_header: "#ad04db",
color_params: "#e205ff",
logger: console.log,
export const useWhyRenderPlus = (
label: string,
deps?: Record<string, any>,
options: Partial<OPTIONS> = optionsDefault
): void => {};