Highlights for 0.4.0
Last month we published a poll on Twitter asking which web technology to use for our UI? We received 440 responses with 39% votes for React and 36% votes for Elm. Based on this feedback we decided to rebuild the UI from scratch in React and add an Elm-based component to demonstrate how the two technologies can co-exists. Our hope is that this approach will allow contributions from developers familiar with React, but also those who want to give Elm a try.
Over the last few weeks we also discussed whether the 3D view present in the 0.3.0 release is suitable for visualising supervision trees. The initial prototype indicated it may be hard to achieve a good UX with 3D visualisation, so we switched to a graph drawing library that uses WebGL, but renders 2D views.
Thank you to our contributors: @arkgil, @baransu and @michalslaski