A repository to share the official ESA LISA science orbit files.
- The LISA science orbits are stored as OEM (Orbit Ephemeris Message) files that can be read, for instance, using this Python package.
- The files correspond to versions of the CReMA (Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis) that is issued by the ESA/ESOC Mission Analysis section. As the CReMA is updated, new folders with updated files will be added to this repository.
- CReMA (Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis)
- MIDA (Mean Initial Displacement angle): The displacement angle of the LISA constellation from the Mean Earth at the beginning of science phase. Positive values indicate an Earth-leading configuration, negative values an Earth-trailing configuration.
- cw/ccw (clockwise/counter-clockwise): Indicates the apparent rotation of the constellation as seen from the Sun.
Martens, W., Joffre, E. Trajectory Design for the ESA LISA Mission. J Astronaut Sci 68, 402–443 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40295-021-00263-2
Waldemar Martens ([email protected])