ESP32 Arduino 1.0.5 RC5
Latest RC release
- b0e896e9 IDF release/v3.3 cd59d107b (#4708)
- 08f46657 Change fetch depth for release so that history can be fetched
- 2452c1fb IDF release/v3.3 71df1f742
- 5f983707 Add IP101 support (#4620)
- 81b9130d BluetoothSerial SSP Authentication with callbacks (#4634)
- 434d02c4 BLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify: Permit event registration without updating descriptor. (#4659)
- 15db2971 availableForWrite (#4664)
- fe093a5e Sanitize compiler warning in BLERemoteService.cpp (issue #4660) (#4669)
- a0ef17a9 Use non-deprecated DPORT values in SPI HAL (#4682)
- be77bd4e Resolve crash with timer interrupt functions called from ISR (#4684)
- ef99cd7f Add WiFiClientSecure::setInsecure() to equalize API with ESP8266 (#4648)