🐍 Cancun Devnet 9 Release
This release adds additional coverage to the current set of cancun tests, up to the Devnet-9 Cancun specification, noting the following considerations:
- Beacon root contract is pre-deployed at
- Additional EIP-4788 updates from the following PR will be included in the next release.
- Further coverage includes tests for EIP-1153, and additional tests for EIP-4788 & EIP-6780.
🧪 Tests include the following EIPs
EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions
EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM
EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes
⚙️ Test Generation
Fixtures for these tests can be generated using the geth
t8n tool with the following branch & command:
fill --until Cancun
📄 Documentation
Further information on each test can be found within the docs: