These scripts allow you to run Moodle's PHPUnit, Behat and lint tests in parallel, on Openstack ;)
Other scripts are also included that are used with Jenkins:
- auto job creator
(put on cron) - uses jenkins-autojobs (pip install jenkins-autojobs
) - local git mirrors -
(put on cron)
- Ubuntu 14.04 - other Linux OS's should work too - these instructions were tested and are written for Ubuntu 14.04
- Openstack cloud account - you can get one from
- Apart from installing and setting up Jenkins, the following is required:
sudo apt-get install zip python-pip python-dev
sudo pip install python-novaclient
- Create an ssh key pair for jenkins; add the public key to openstack, with a key name of: jenkins
- Copy config-dist.ini to config.ini and edit
- As the jenkins user, checkout this repo to
- Download Selenium's standalone server (version: $SELENIUM_VERSION) and stick it in
too cp
and fill in creds- Configure a jenkins job to:
- execute
when a build is triggered - execute
as a post-build script (bash traps don't seem to work yet)
- execute
To prepare the snapshot for running Moodle/Totara tests, start off by installing the following:
sudo apt-get install php5 php5-dev php5-gd php5-pgsql php5-xdebug php5-curl php5-xmlrpc php5-intl php-soap haveged xvfb postgresql openjdk-7-jre unzip wget curl git vim firefox htop ghostscript parallel xmlstarlet xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic
sudo locale-gen en_AU.utf8
sudo update-locale
- For more speedz create a ram mount, where we'll host the db, code and sitedata
- Edit
and add/mnt/ramdisk tmpfs defaults,size=2048M
(depending on the flavour you plan to use, you might have to increase this) sudo mount -a
- Edit
- Add an ubuntu postgres user with creds as in
- Edit
to point to a ramdisk location:data_directory = '/mnt/ramdisk/postgresql/9.3/main'
NOTE: some of the scripts might have to be modified to point to where you host your code and sitedata (TODO: make these locations configurable)
These instructions are not perfect and a work in progress - feel free to contribute if anything is wrong/missing! Enjoy! :)