Struggling to find a nice (fast) way to back search the text. Ultimately I would like to explore speed ups using bloom filters and boyer-moore search, but for now I'm going to start with a brute force search. Currently things are complicated because of:
- ring buffer
- search greediness
- how to handle partially full buffer
2021 July 5: I have a working prototype (with bugs). Very naive implementation. Notable lacking features:
- variable length pattern match
- better (faster) search algo
- cleaner ring buffer. Need a simple way to index from head and tail of the buffer.
- Better string management. Current method is based on c strings (but worse) and is very fragile.
2021 July 10: I updated the ring buffer api to support indexing from tail and head which cleans up the usage a lot. I also decided against using the cpp strings and I'm instead going to the thing about the ring buffer content as chunks of data.
2021 July 13: Working with variable length matching.