#remit remit an easy way to manage routes with javascript supports optencion of parameters, with the latest version released can validate a form and simulate methods such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS
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install with npm
for install you should use the following command
npm install remit-route
configured to display the error page that is displayed by default and an example of how to use a route
var app = new remit({
/*showPageNotFount: true,
showAccessError: true,*/
viewPath: '/default_dir_view/'
var route = new app.Route({
registerMiddleware: {
'user': function(req, res, next) {
if (req.params.id == 1){
return next(res)
route.get('/', function(req, res) {
to obtain the parameters
route.get('/user/{id}', function(req, res, id){
alert(id) // or req.params.id
among the options of this url:
- / user/{name}
- / user/{id: number}
- / user/{name: string}
- / user/{name: upper}
- / user/{name: lower}
- / user/(?P<id>[\d+|\D+|otherOptions])
if you want to submit a form by post method and validate the second parameter an object is passed
route.get('/user/login', {
validation: ['#idForm', {'name': 'required', 'pass': 'required'}],
render: function(req, res) {
console.log('via get');
When running a view, the key is changed
route.get('/user/login', {
asyncValidation: ['#idForm', {'name': 'required', 'pass': 'required'}],
render: function(req, res) {
run the post method
route.post('/user/login', function() {
or do so through the method options
route.options('/user/login', {
validation: ['#idForm', {'name': 'required', 'pass': 'required'}],
render: function(req, res) {
console.log('OPTIONS method')
create groups
route.group('/user', function(route) {
route.get('/login', function() {
route.get('/register', function() {
render and pass data to the view
route.get('/view', function(req, res) {
res.view('index.html', {
welcome: 'welcome!'
routes method
- group
- get
- post
- put
- patch
- delete
- options
use the middleware that is registered, or pass as a function
route.get('/verify/user/{id}', {
middleware: 'user',
render: function(req, res, id) {
options available to validate
- required
- min:min_value
- max:max_value
var validator = new app.validation('#idForm', {
'inputName': 'required|min:6|max:20'
##local storage and session storage
using localData function to store data, by default uses the localStorage, you can specify that you want to use session specifying in the last parameter
app.localData('key', 'value');
app.localData.set('key', 'value');
to add session
app.localData('key', 'value', 'session');
the same to obtain or remove
app.localData.delete('key' /*, null or 'session'*/);
get value
app.localData.get('key' /*, null or 'session'*/);
add Cookie
app.Cookie('key', 'value'/*, options {} */);
app.Cookie.assign('key', 'value'/*, options {} */);
static methods
app.Cookie.assign('key', 'value'/*, options {} */);
app.Cookie.all(); // return an array
app.Cookie.get ('key') // return a string
when the browser is reloaded, methods post, put, patch and delete is executed once