guide to install vscode in termux
Assuming you have downloaded termux on fdroid and given the storage permission run this command and it will update the packages.
$ pkg update && pkg upgrade
$ pkg install tur-repo
once tur-repo is installed proceed to download code-server
$ pkg install code-server
This will create a command to run vscode to use from the browser by typing in the terminal code-server this will start a local server.
but the open an error where it can't run the terminal correctly. For that we have to rebuild the application but first we are going to install another zsh package.
we will install
- git
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
using the command
$ pkg install git zsh
once installed we will proceed to install oh-my-zsh using curl
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
or cloned the repository and running various commands.
$ git clone
$ cd oh-my-zsh-termux
$ ./
once doing this installation we will edit .zshrc with nano which is a terminal editor
$ nano .zshrc
in the first lines it will show something like this
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
nodejs comes installed when you install code-server you just have to add the location path where the binaries are
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/share/pnpm:/usr/local/bin:$PREFIX/opt/nodejs-16/bin:$PATH
save the file and in the terminal run another command
$ source .zshrc
It will make the changes in the terminal or if it does not finish the process and go back to termux and you can use node version 16 and npm version 8
To activate pnpm or yarn run any of these commands:
$ corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
$ corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate
Finally we will do the rebuild of vscode in the route:
$ cd ../usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode
$ npm rebuild
This will fix terminal issues in vscode.
Lastly, to use zsh, execute the command chsh with the value of zsh, finish the termux process and log in again and you will have zsh
run code-server and there will be the url given by code-server. open vscode command palette and user preference settings.json and type