It's modified version of clappr-level-selector-plugin with the following extra features:
- Persistent quality level between session.
- Smooth switching quality between level
options to set qualityID
(number) when player start or use-1
function to select quality byID
this method have to be called afterPLAYBACK_LEVELS_AVAILABLE
or media played.getPlaybackQuality()
function to get available quality levels, must be called like above.- Reordering the Quality levels placement, from the bottom to the top are
to the highest quality level. HD
icon displayed by default if in playlist it has HD Quality.- Small size, 3KB gzipped.
Require Clappr v0.3.0 or above
Add both Clappr and Quality Selector plugin scripts to your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Then just add QualitySelector
into the list of plugins of your player instance:
var player = new Clappr.Player({
source: "",
plugins: [QualitySelector],
// qualitySelectorConfig: {defaultQuality: 0} // start with quality ID 0 or lowest
You can also customize the labels, title, and quality:
var player = new Clappr.Player({
source: "",
plugins: [QualitySelector],
qualitySelectorConfig: {
title: 'Quality',
labels: {
2: 'High', // 500kbps
1: 'Med', // 240kbps
0: 'Low', // 120kbps
defaultQuality: 0, // start with quality 0 or Lowest
labelCallback: function(playbackLevel, customLabel) {
return customLabel + playbackLevel.level.height + 'p'; // High 720p
events: {
onPlay: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var levels = player.getPlaybackQuality();
console.log(levels); // log the levels
player.setPlaybackQuality(2); // Change to highest level
}, 10000); // fired after 10 second playing