A high level AWS CloudFormation language and compiler.
The exosphere is the uppermost region of Earth's atmosphere as it gradually fades into the vacuum of space.
The goal of Exosphere is to simplify the creation of Amazon Web Service CloudFormation templates and create useful compile-time feedback to the user. This should hopefully make maintaining cloudformation stacks much easier. The aim then is that exosphere is capable of turning exo
files into CloudFormation templates and the exo
files are parsed and validated to ensure any generated CloudFormation is valid.
- Easy to write DSL! π₯
- Property validation (WIP)! π
- Compile-time feedback (WIP)! π
Build Exosphere from source:
git clone git@github.com:exosphere-lang/compiler.git && cd compiler
stack build --copy-bins
Ensure that the executable generate from stack build is in your $PATH
Create a valid Exosphere file such as ExosphereBucket.exo
ExosphereBucket S3Bucket
FamilyPhotosBackup S3Bucket { AccessControl Private }
Run exospherec
on the input file. This will create a template for creating a new S3 bucket with the name ExosphereBucket
, and one with the access properties.
$ exospherec ./ExosphereBucket.exo
Inspect the generated CloudFormation template ExosphereBucket.exo.json
$ cat ./ExosphereBucket.exo.json
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Resources": {
"ExosphereBucket": {
"Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
"FamilyPhotosBackup": {
"Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
"Properties": {
"AccessControl": "Private",
Finally, upload to AWS CloudFormation to create your stack!
The Exosphere grammar is still subject to change, using Exosphere in production isn't recomended at this time.
The format for an exosphere (.exo) file is:
resource_name resource_type { propKey1 propValue1, propKey2 propValue2, ... }
The properties are optional. If you omit them, then the brackets are not needed. If you include properties, then the brackets are required. However, the brackets and properties can span multiple lines. Please see the table below for more details
key | description | sample |
resource_name | The name you want the cloud formation resource to have | MyResource, FestivePictures, MyWebiste, etc |
resource_type | The service you want to use - corresponds to the AWS::xx::xx format | EC2, S3, Lambda, etc |
properties | The properties you want the resource to have - seperated by a comma, where each key and value is seperated by whitespace |
Putting this together, you will have something like:
MyS3Bucket S3Bucket
which will create an S3 bucket called MyS3Bucket
Comments are single line only denoted by two slashes at the beginning of a declaration, e.g:
// Bucket for website assets
MyWebsiteAssets S3Bucket
All AWS CloudFormation resource types are supported. The convention is to camel case the resource type and drop "AWS" and the colons, for example. AWS::S3::Bucket
in CloudFormation becomes S3Bucket
in Exosphere.
Examples can be found at exosphere-lang/examples. All example source code can be compiled into valid CloudFormation JSON.
You can find the formal grammar for Exosphere at exosphere-lang/grammar.
Contributions are considered, please raise a pull request or an issue.