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Python is a dynamically typed programming language.
Depfu screenshot

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Depfu is the best way for busy teams to keep their app dependencies up-to-date. We believe doing small, easy to assess updates regularly and supported by automation is a lot easier than falling behind and having to update everything at once.

We support all Ruby projects using Bundler, all JS projects using npm or Yarn, all Elixir projects using Hex and all PHP projects using Composer. Lock files are handled automatically.

View Depfu website

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Ensure that your code meets quality standards

CodeFactor instantly reviews every GitHub Commit or PR. Get actionable feedback within seconds. Customize rules, get refactoring tips and ignore irrelevant issues.


Autofix certain reported issues on-demand or automatically.

Integrate into your workflow

See review status and code suggestions within GitHub pull request page. Keep team updated via Slack or MS Teams integration.