This extension adds YouTrack integration for Harvest Time Tracker extension.
- Adds Harvest tracker button to ordinary issue view and agile issue popup
- Adds one-way (H -> YT) time tracking synchronization\
- works within 25 hours (syncs yesterday if triggered in first hour)
- can be triggered by extension button
- normally runs every hour automatically
- if entry is in progress - tries to sync in 10 min
- can update synced entries
- For initial config see extension options
- Harvest entry notes should start with YouTrack issue id: XYZ-123
- YouTrack entry type can be set from Harvest task. Obviously, YT should contain it in list. "No Type" by default.
- YT work entry always will be set by current logged in user
- Entry will be updated each sync attempt (if changed), even if in progress
- Next planned date for sync is also available in the title of the extension button
- Oauth2 support for Harvest
- Refactoring and design