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[pulse][join] first stab at joining formulas
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First half of joining formulas: forget facts from one side that conflict
with the other side. Adding non-conflicting facts from both sides is
TODO, right now we only keep (a subset of) one side instead.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D66710907

fbshipit-source-id: 2e85346b0e42c9f17c5ac0056ab9f23ef05890e6
  • Loading branch information
jvillard authored and facebook-github-bot committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 71416bd commit 2afd7bf
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Showing 8 changed files with 319 additions and 8 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions infer/src/istd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct
(** the union-find backing data structure: maps elements to their representatives *)
module UF : sig
(** to get a little bit of type safety *)
type repr = private X.t
type repr = private X.t [@@deriving compare, equal]

type t [@@deriving compare, equal]

Expand All @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ struct

module Map : Stdlib.Map.S with type key = repr
end = struct
type repr = X.t
type repr = X.t [@@deriving compare, equal]

type t = X.t XMap.t [@@deriving compare, equal]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ struct
module Map = XMap

type repr = UF.repr
type repr = UF.repr [@@deriving compare, equal]

module Classes = struct
let find classes (x : UF.repr) = UF.Map.find_opt x classes |> Option.value ~default:XSet.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ struct
{reprs; classes}

let remove x uf = filter uf ~f:(fun y -> not (X.equal x y))

let fold_elements uf ~init ~f =
fold_congruences uf ~init ~f:(fun acc (repr, xs) ->
XSet.fold (Fn.flip f) xs (f acc (repr :> X.t)) )
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion infer/src/istd/UnionFind.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Make

val pp : (F.formatter -> X.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit

type repr = private X.t
type repr = private X.t [@@deriving compare, equal]

val empty : t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ module Make
smallest representative not in the domain of [subst] for each class. Classes without any such
elements are kept intact. *)

val remove : X.t -> t -> t

val filter : f:(X.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** only keep items satisfying [f] *)

Expand Down
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions infer/src/pulse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2259,6 +2259,10 @@ module Formula = struct
val set_intervals : intervals -> t -> t
val join : t -> t -> t
val remove_conditions_for_join : Atom.t list -> t -> t -> t
val unsafe_mk :
-> const_eqs:Term.t Var.Map.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2781,6 +2785,98 @@ module Formula = struct
; tableau_occurrences
; term_eqs_occurrences
; atoms_occurrences }
let join phi1 _phi2 =
(* TODO: do phi1 /\ phi2 *)
let scramble_var phi_rhs phi v =
let remove_if_different mem_lhs test_equal find remove lhs rhs =
if (not mem_lhs) || test_equal (find v lhs) (find v rhs) then (lhs, false)
else (remove v lhs, true)
let var_eqs, _removed =
remove_if_different true VarUF.equal_repr
(fun v var_eqs -> VarUF.find var_eqs v)
VarUF.remove phi.var_eqs phi_rhs.var_eqs
let const_eqs, _removed =
remove_if_different (Var.Map.mem v phi.const_eqs) (Option.equal Term.equal) Var.Map.find_opt
Var.Map.remove phi.const_eqs phi_rhs.const_eqs
let type_constraints, _removed =
(Var.Map.mem v phi.type_constraints)
(Option.equal InstanceOf.equal_instance_fact)
Var.Map.find_opt Var.Map.remove phi.type_constraints phi_rhs.type_constraints
let linear_eqs, removed_linear_eqs =
remove_if_different (Var.Map.mem v phi.linear_eqs) (Option.equal LinArith.equal)
Var.Map.find_opt Var.Map.remove phi.linear_eqs phi_rhs.linear_eqs
let linear_eqs_occurrences =
if removed_linear_eqs then Var.Map.remove v phi.linear_eqs_occurrences
else phi.linear_eqs_occurrences
let tableau, removed_tableau =
remove_if_different (Var.Map.mem v phi.tableau) (Option.equal LinArith.equal)
Var.Map.find_opt Var.Map.remove phi.tableau phi_rhs.tableau
let tableau_occurrences =
if removed_tableau then Var.Map.remove v phi.tableau_occurrences
else phi.tableau_occurrences
let intervals, _removed =
remove_if_different (Var.Map.mem v phi.intervals) (Option.equal CItv.equal) Var.Map.find_opt
Var.Map.remove phi.intervals phi_rhs.intervals
let atoms, atoms_occurrences =
match Var.Map.find_opt v phi.atoms_occurrences with
| None ->
(phi.atoms, phi.atoms_occurrences)
| Some atoms_v ->
(fun atom_v (atoms, atoms_occurrences) ->
if Atom.Set.mem atom_v phi_rhs.atoms then (atoms, atoms_occurrences)
else remove_atom_ atom_v atoms atoms_occurrences )
(phi.atoms, phi.atoms_occurrences)
let term_eqs, term_eqs_occurrences =
match Var.Map.find_opt v phi.term_eqs_occurrences with
| None ->
(phi.term_eqs, phi.term_eqs_occurrences)
| Some term_eqs_v ->
(fun (term_v, _) (term_eqs, term_eqs_occurrences) ->
if Term.VarMap.find_opt term_v phi_rhs.term_eqs |> Option.exists ~f:(Var.equal v)
then (term_eqs, term_eqs_occurrences)
else remove_term_eq_ term_v v term_eqs term_eqs_occurrences )
(phi.term_eqs, phi.term_eqs_occurrences)
{ var_eqs
; const_eqs
; type_constraints
; linear_eqs
; term_eqs
; tableau
; intervals
; atoms
; linear_eqs_occurrences
; tableau_occurrences
; term_eqs_occurrences
; atoms_occurrences }
let remove_condition_for_join atom phi_lhs phi_rhs =
Atom.fold_variables atom ~init:phi_lhs ~f:(scramble_var phi_rhs)
let remove_conditions_for_join atoms phi_lhs phi_rhs =
List.fold atoms ~init:phi_lhs ~f:(fun phi atom -> remove_condition_for_join atom phi phi_rhs)
include Unsafe
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4735,3 +4831,53 @@ let pp_formula_explained pp_var fmt {phi} =
let pp_conditions_explained pp_var fmt {conditions} =
if not (Atom.Map.is_empty conditions) then
F.fprintf fmt "@;∧ %a" (pp_conditions pp_var) conditions
let join_conditions conditions_lhs conditions_rhs =
let conditions_join =
(fun _atom depth1 depth2 ->
(* keep only atoms present on both sides, with the min of their call depths *)
Option.both depth1 depth2 |> ~f:(fun (depth1, depth2) -> Int.min depth1 depth2)
conditions_lhs conditions_rhs
let atoms_not_in ~not_in:atoms_not_in atoms =
(fun _atom atom_depth not_in ->
match (atom_depth, not_in) with
| Some _, None ->
| None, _ | Some _, Some _ ->
None )
atoms atoms_not_in
|> Atom.Map.bindings |> ~f:fst
let kill_conditions_lhs = atoms_not_in ~not_in:conditions_join conditions_lhs in
let kill_conditions_rhs = atoms_not_in ~not_in:conditions_join conditions_rhs in
(conditions_join, kill_conditions_lhs, kill_conditions_rhs)
(* This relies on the idea that two formulas for the same procedure must be different only because
the path conditions are different. All other variables not involved in the path conditions are
the results of being created fresh to hold some intermediate values created by the program and so
can be handled with a conjunction (since they will appear only on one side).
Given that, the strategy is to compute the conditions that are common to both sides, and those
that are present only on one side need to be removed from the formulas. The removal of facts is
done brutally by forgetting all facts involving any variable present in these conditions. This
should be a valid over-approximation.
NOTE: It would be good to know which variables were created fresh in [phi1] and in [phi2] and
automatically keep information about these, since they cannot appear in the other formula and
their valuation doesn't matter for the formula where they don't belong. Instead, we rely on
conditions to tell which variables need to be forgotten about but that is over-approximate (and
fragile: it could be that some consequences are not completely cleaned up this way). *)
let join {conditions= conditions_lhs; phi= phi_lhs} {conditions= conditions_rhs; phi= phi_rhs} =
let conditions_join, killed_conditions_lhs, killed_conditions_rhs =
join_conditions conditions_lhs conditions_rhs
let phi_lhs = Formula.remove_conditions_for_join killed_conditions_lhs phi_lhs phi_rhs in
let phi_rhs = Formula.remove_conditions_for_join killed_conditions_rhs phi_rhs phi_lhs in
let phi_join = Formula.join phi_lhs phi_rhs in
{conditions= conditions_join; phi= phi_join}
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions infer/src/pulse/PulseFormula.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,3 +160,5 @@ val pp_term : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> term -> unit
val pp_conditions_explained : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit

val pp_formula_explained : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit

val join : t -> t -> t
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions infer/src/pulse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -345,9 +345,12 @@ let join_attributes join_state astate_lhs astate_rhs =
(pre, post)

let join_formulas _join_state _astate_lhs _astate_rhs =
(* TODO *)
let join_formulas _join_state astate_lhs astate_rhs =
let formula =
Formula.join astate_lhs.AbductiveDomain.path_condition astate_rhs.AbductiveDomain.path_condition
(* TODO: add info from [join_state.rev_subst] *)

let join_abductive astate_lhs astate_rhs =
Expand Down
119 changes: 118 additions & 1 deletion infer/src/pulse/unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let ( = ) f1 f2 phi =
let ( =. ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
prune_binop ~negated:false Binop.Eq op1 op2 phi >>| fst
prune_binop ~negated:false Eq op1 op2 phi >>| fst

let ( <> ) f1 f2 phi =
Expand All @@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ let ( <> ) f1 f2 phi =
and_not_equal op1 op2 phi >>| fst

let ( <>. ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
prune_binop ~negated:false Ne op1 op2 phi >>| fst

let ( < ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
Expand All @@ -120,6 +126,12 @@ let ( < ) f1 f2 phi =

let ( > ) f1 f2 phi = ( < ) f2 f1 phi

let ( >. ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
prune_binop ~negated:false Gt op1 op2 phi >>| fst

let ( <= ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
Expand All @@ -130,6 +142,12 @@ let ( >= ) f1 f2 phi = ( <= ) f2 f1 phi

let ( && ) f1 f2 phi = f1 phi >>= f2

let ( || ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi1 = f1 phi in
let+ phi2 = f2 phi in
join phi1 phi2

[@@@warning "+unused-value-declaration"]
(* end of shorthand notations *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -708,3 +726,102 @@ let%test_module "non-numerical constants" =
&& const_eqs: x="prefix cannot match"y="hello"
&& term_eqs: "hello"=y∧"prefix cannot match"=x∧("hello"^z)=x |}]
end )

let%test_module "join" =
( module struct
let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. i 42 || x =. i 42) ;
conditions: {x = 42} phi: linear_eqs: x = 42 && term_eqs: 42=x && intervals: x=42 |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. i 42 || x <>. i 42) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. y + i 1 || x =. y + i 1) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: linear_eqs: x = y +1 && term_eqs: [y +1]=x |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (z = y + i 1 && (x =. z || x <>. z)) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: var_eqs: x=v6 |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. i 42 || x =. y) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. i 42 || (x <>. i 42 && x =. y)) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test ((x =. i 42 && y =. w) || (x =. z && y =. i 42)) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. y * z || i 0 = i 0) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (w = y * z && (x =. w || x =. w)) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: {[x -w] = 0} phi: var_eqs: x=w=v6 && term_eqs: (y×z)=x |}]

(* doesn't work as well as the previous test when the non-linear term is evaluated (twice)
inside the conditionals *)
let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. y * z || x =. y * z) ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (w = y + z - i 4 && (x >. w || x >. w)) ;
conditions: {[-x +w] < 0}
phi: var_eqs: w=v7
&& linear_eqs: x = v6 +a1 -3y = -z +v6 ∧ w = v6 -4
&& term_eqs: [v6 -4]=w∧[v6 +a1 -3]=x∧[-z +v6]=y |}]

(* doesn't work as well as the previous test when the term is evaluated (twice) inside the
conditionals *)
let%expect_test _ =
test (x >. y + z - i 4 || x >. y + z - i 4) ;
conditions: (empty)
phi: linear_eqs: y = -z +v7 +4v6 = v7 +4 && term_eqs: [-z +v7 +4]=y∧[v7 +4]=v6 |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. s "toto" || x =. s "toto") ;
conditions: {x = "toto"} phi: const_eqs: x="toto" && term_eqs: "toto"=x |}]

let%expect_test _ =
test (x =. s "toto" || x =. s "titi") ;
[%expect {|
conditions: (empty) phi: (empty) |}]
end )

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