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[infer/py][2/3] Introduce support for function with default arguments
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In this diff, we generate specialised versions of a function that has default arguments. We can do that since the runtime expect every argument with a default value to also have a default value.

As in the previous diffs, objects used as default values for argument won't be dealt with correctly.

Reviewed By: davidpichardie

Differential Revision: D49494734

fbshipit-source-id: 63f72b1bf7c946767b6e5b1d6029e7cd790464a2
  • Loading branch information
Vincent Siles authored and facebook-github-bot committed Sep 29, 2023
1 parent 442b2ca commit 41aeba2
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Showing 4 changed files with 180 additions and 61 deletions.
37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions infer/src/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ end
after [register_class] *)
type class_info = {parents: Ident.t list}

type method_info = {signature: Signature.t; default_arguments: T.Exp.t list}

type label_info =
{label_name: string; ssa_parameters: T.Typ.t list; prelude: prelude option; processed: bool}

Expand All @@ -242,8 +244,9 @@ and shared =
(** All the builtins that have been called, so we only export them in textual to avoid too
much noise *)
; imported_values: Ident.Set.t
; signatures: Signature.t SMap.t Ident.Map.t
(** Map from module names to the signature of all of their functions/methods *)
; methods: method_info SMap.t Ident.Map.t
(** Map from module names to information about their methods (signatures, default arguments,
... *)
; fields: PyCommon.signature T.TypeName.Map.t
(** Map from fully qualified class name to the list of known fields and their types *)
; module_name: Ident.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ let empty module_name =
; classes= SMap.empty
; builtins= Builtin.Set.empty
; imported_values= Ident.Set.empty
; signatures= Ident.Map.empty
; methods= Ident.Map.empty
; fields= T.TypeName.Map.empty
; module_name
; params= []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,16 +569,18 @@ let register_call env fid =

let register_method ({shared} as env) ~enclosing_class ~method_name annotations =
let register_method ({shared} as env) ~enclosing_class ~method_name signature default_arguments =
PyDebug.p "[register_method] %a.%s\n" Ident.pp enclosing_class method_name ;
PyDebug.p " %a\n" Signature.pp annotations ;
let {signatures} = shared in
let class_info =
Ident.Map.find_opt enclosing_class signatures |> Option.value ~default:SMap.empty
PyDebug.p " %a\n" Signature.pp signature ;
PyDebug.p " %a\n" (Pp.seq ~sep:", " T.Exp.pp) default_arguments ;
let {methods} = shared in
let method_info =
Ident.Map.find_opt enclosing_class methods |> Option.value ~default:SMap.empty
let class_info = SMap.add method_name annotations class_info in
let signatures = Ident.Map.add enclosing_class class_info signatures in
let shared = {shared with signatures} in
let info = {signature; default_arguments} in
let method_info = SMap.add method_name info method_info in
let methods = Ident.Map.add enclosing_class method_info methods in
let shared = {shared with methods} in
{env with shared}

Expand All @@ -601,20 +606,22 @@ let register_fields ({shared} as env) class_name class_fields =
{env with shared}

let register_function ({shared} as env) fname loc annotations =
let register_function ({shared} as env) fname loc annotations default_arguments =
PyDebug.p "[register_function] %s\n" fname ;
let {module_name} = shared in
let info = {Signature.is_static= false; is_abstract= false; annotations} in
let env = register_method env ~enclosing_class:module_name ~method_name:fname info in
let env =
register_method env ~enclosing_class:module_name ~method_name:fname info default_arguments
let key = ~loc fname in
let id = Ident.extend ~prefix:module_name fname in
let symbol_info = {Symbol.kind= Code; id; loc} in
register_symbol env (Symbol.Global key) symbol_info

let lookup_method {shared= {signatures}} ~enclosing_class name =
let lookup_method {shared= {methods}} ~enclosing_class name =
let open Option.Let_syntax in
Ident.Map.find_opt enclosing_class signatures >>= SMap.find_opt name
Ident.Map.find_opt enclosing_class methods >>= SMap.find_opt name

let lookup_fields {shared= {fields}} class_name = T.TypeName.Map.find_opt class_name fields
Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions infer/src/python/PyEnv.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,11 +128,14 @@ module Label : sig
(** Process a label [info] and turn it into Textual information *)

(** Class Level info. For now, only the parent info (if present) is tracked, supporting multiple
(** Class level info. For now, only the parent info (if present) is tracked, supporting multiple
inheritance. We may track more information in the future, like being an abstract class, a
dataclass, ... *)
type class_info = {parents: Ident.t list}

(** Method level info. We store a method/function signature, and its default arugments *)
type method_info = {signature: Signature.t; default_arguments: T.Exp.t list}

val empty : Ident.t -> t

val loc : t -> T.Location.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,19 +224,20 @@ val mk_builtin_call : t -> PyBuiltin.textual -> T.Exp.t list -> t * T.Ident.t *
(** Wrapper to compute the Textual version of a call to a "textual" builtin * function (a builtin we
introduced for modeling purpose) *)

val register_function : t -> string -> T.Location.t -> PyCommon.signature -> t
val register_function : t -> string -> T.Location.t -> PyCommon.signature -> T.Exp.t list -> t
(** Register a function declaration. We keep track of them since they might shadow Python builtins
or previous definitions *)

val register_method : t -> enclosing_class:Ident.t -> method_name:string -> Signature.t -> t
val register_method :
t -> enclosing_class:Ident.t -> method_name:string -> Signature.t -> T.Exp.t list -> t
(** Register a method declaration. We mostly keep track of their signatures *)

val register_fields : t -> T.TypeName.t -> PyCommon.signature -> t
(** Extended the set of fields of class [class_name] with [class_fields]. We might have multiple
calls to this function with the same class name in a best effort attempt: Python is dynamic, and
any [] access could give rise to such a registration *)

val lookup_method : t -> enclosing_class:Ident.t -> string -> Signature.t option
val lookup_method : t -> enclosing_class:Ident.t -> string -> method_info option
(** Lookup the information stored for a function/method in the relevant [enclosing_class] *)

val lookup_fields : t -> T.TypeName.t -> PyCommon.signature option
Expand Down
132 changes: 110 additions & 22 deletions infer/src/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ module Error = struct
| CallKeywordBuildClass
| RaiseExceptionInvalid of int
| RaiseExceptionUnknown of DataStack.cell
| DefaultArgSpecialization of T.qualified_procname * int * int

type t = L.error * kind

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,6 +224,9 @@ module Error = struct
F.fprintf fmt "RAISE_VARARGS invalid mode %d" n
| RaiseExceptionUnknown cell ->
F.fprintf fmt "RAISE_VARARGS unknown construct %a" DataStack.pp_cell cell
| DefaultArgSpecialization (name, param_size, default_size) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a has more default arguments (%d) then actual arguments (%d)"
T.pp_qualified_procname name default_size param_size

let class_decl (err, kind) = (err, ClassDecl kind)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -885,6 +889,10 @@ module FUNCTION = struct

(* TODO: we don't support correctly keeping track of non constant default arugments.
For example if the value is a global constant, we'll store
it's loaded reference `n` which won't make sense in the specialized
function. *)
let unpack_defaults env code defaults =
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
match (defaults : DataStack.cell) with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -937,14 +945,12 @@ module FUNCTION = struct
let* annotations =
Option.value_map ~default:(Ok []) ~f:(unpack_annotations env code) annotations
let* env =
if MakeFunctionFlags.mem flags DefaultValues then (
let* env, default_arguments =
if MakeFunctionFlags.mem flags DefaultValues then
let* env, cell = pop_datastack opname env in
let* env, _defaults = unpack_defaults env code cell in
L.debug Capture Quiet
"[MAKE_FUNCTION] TODO generate overriding functions with default args inlined@\n" ;
Ok env )
else Ok env
let* env, defaults = unpack_defaults env code cell in
Ok (env, defaults)
else Ok (env, [])
let* code =
match DataStack.as_code code body with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -982,7 +988,7 @@ module FUNCTION = struct
if FFI.Code.is_closure code then
L.user_warning "%s: support for closures is incomplete (%s)@\n" opname code_name ;
let loc = Env.loc env in
let env = Env.register_function env code_name loc annotations in
let env = Env.register_function env code_name loc annotations default_arguments in
let env = Env.push env (DataStack.Code {fun_or_class= true; code_name; code}) in
Ok (env, None)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2731,24 +2737,99 @@ let rec nodes env label_info code instructions =
Ok (env, textual_node :: more_textual_nodes)

(** Given a function signature and some default arguments, this function will generate a specialized
version with some formal arguments removed, replaced by their default value. *)
let specialize_proc_decl qualified_name formals_types result_type attributes params
default_arguments =
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
let param_size = List.length params in
let default_size = List.length default_arguments in
let* () =
if param_size < default_size then
(L.ExternalError, Error.DefaultArgSpecialization (qualified_name, default_size, param_size))
else Ok ()
let n = param_size - default_size in
let params, locals = List.split_n params n in
let formals_types, default_types = List.split_n formals_types n in
let typed_params = List.zip_exn params formals_types in
let locals = List.zip_exn locals default_types in
let defaults = List.zip_exn locals default_arguments in
let procdecl =
{T.ProcDecl.qualified_name; formals_types= Some formals_types; result_type; attributes}
let stores = defaults ~f:(fun ((var, {T.Typ.typ}), exp) ->
T.Instr.Store {exp1= T.Exp.Lvar var; typ= Some typ; exp2= exp; loc= Unknown} )
let id = T.Ident.of_int 0 in
let args =
~f:(fun (var, {T.Typ.typ}) -> T.Exp.Load {exp= T.Exp.Lvar var; typ= Some typ})
let local_args = ~f:(fun (var, {T.Typ.typ}) -> T.Exp.Load {exp= T.Exp.Lvar var; typ= Some typ}) locals
let exp = T.Exp.call_non_virtual qualified_name (args @ local_args) in
let instrs = stores @ [T.Instr.Let {id; exp; loc= Unknown}] in
let label = {T.NodeName.value= "b0"; loc= Unknown} in
let node =
{ T.Node.label
; ssa_parameters= []
; exn_succs= []
; last= T.Terminator.Ret (T.Exp.Var id)
; instrs
; last_loc= Unknown
; label_loc= Unknown }
Ok {T.ProcDesc.procdecl; nodes= [node]; start= label; params; locals; exit_loc= Unknown}

let generate_specialized_proc_decl qualified_name formals_types result_type attributes params
default_arguments =
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
if List.is_empty default_arguments then Ok []
let f = specialize_proc_decl qualified_name formals_types result_type attributes params in
let rec fold default_arguments =
match default_arguments with
| [] ->
Ok []
| _ :: tl ->
let* decl = f default_arguments in
let* decls = fold tl in
Ok (T.Module.Proc decl :: decls)
fold default_arguments

(** Process a single code unit (toplevel code, function body, ...) *)
let to_proc_desc env loc enclosing_class_name opt_name ({FFI.Code.instructions} as code) =
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
Debug.p "[to_proc_desc] %a %a\n" Ident.pp enclosing_class_name (Pp.option F.pp_print_string)
opt_name ;
let is_toplevel, is_static, is_abstract, name, annotations =
let default annotations =
let signature = {Env.Signature.is_static= false; is_abstract= false; annotations} in
{Env.signature; default_arguments= []}
let is_toplevel, name, method_info =
match opt_name with
| None ->
let return_typ = { PyCommon.return; annotation= "None"} in
(true, false, false, PyCommon.toplevel_function, [return_typ])
let method_info = default [return_typ] in
(true, PyCommon.toplevel_function, method_info)
| Some name -> (
let signature = Env.lookup_method env ~enclosing_class:enclosing_class_name name in
match signature with
let method_info = Env.lookup_method env ~enclosing_class:enclosing_class_name name in
match method_info with
| None ->
(false, false, false, name, [])
| Some {Env.Signature.is_static; is_abstract; annotations} ->
(false, is_static, is_abstract, name, annotations) )
(false, name, default [])
| Some method_info ->
(false, name, method_info) )
let {Env.signature; default_arguments} = method_info in
let {Env.Signature.is_static; is_abstract; annotations} = signature in
let proc_name = proc_name ~loc name in
let enclosing_class = Ident.to_type_name ~static:is_static enclosing_class_name in
let qualified_name = qualified_procname ~enclosing_class proc_name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2795,16 +2876,20 @@ let to_proc_desc env loc enclosing_class_name opt_name ({FFI.Code.instructions}
let procdecl =
{T.ProcDecl.qualified_name; formals_types= Some formals_types; result_type; attributes= []}
if is_abstract then Ok (env, T.Module.Procdecl procdecl)
if is_abstract then Ok (env, [T.Module.Procdecl procdecl])
let* specialized_decls =
generate_specialized_proc_decl qualified_name formals_types result_type [] params
let env, entry_label = Env.mk_fresh_label env in
let label = node_name ~loc entry_label in
let label_info = entry_label in
let* env, nodes = nodes env label_info code instructions in
( env
, T.Module.Proc {T.ProcDesc.procdecl; nodes; start= label; params; locals; exit_loc= Unknown}
:: specialized_decls )

(* For each class declaration, we generate an explicit constructor if there
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2939,14 +3024,15 @@ let rec class_declaration env module_name ({FFI.Code.instructions; co_name} as c
(* TODO: Fix class method parsing to deal with default parameters.
It will require a big rewrite of the whole thing, so
postponing to a later diff *)
let default_arguments = [] in
let* () = check_flags opname flags in
let env =
match FFI.Constant.as_code code with
| Some code ->
let annotations = List.filter_map ~f:(lift_annotation env) signature in
let info = {PyEnv.Signature.is_static; is_abstract; annotations} in
Env.register_method env ~enclosing_class:class_name ~method_name:code.FFI.Code.co_name
info default_arguments
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3040,8 +3126,10 @@ and to_proc_descs env enclosing_class_id codes =
let* env, new_decls = class_declaration env enclosing_class_id code loc parents in
Ok (env, new_decls @ decls)
| None ->
let* env, decl = to_proc_desc env loc enclosing_class_id (Some co_name) code in
Ok (env, decl :: decls) ) )
let* env, specialized_decls =
to_proc_desc env loc enclosing_class_id (Some co_name) code
Ok (env, specialized_decls @ decls) ) )

let python_attribute = T.Attr.mk_source_language T.Lang.Python
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3095,7 +3183,7 @@ let to_module ~sourcefile ({FFI.Code.co_consts; co_name; co_filename; instructio
this would print `10` and then `"cat"`. We should investigate if suche code exists, and in
which quantity, to see if it is worth finding a solution for it.
let* env, decl = to_proc_desc env loc module_name None code in
let* env, specialized_decls = to_proc_desc env loc module_name None code in
(* Translate globals to Textual *)
let globals =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3128,7 +3216,7 @@ let to_module ~sourcefile ({FFI.Code.co_consts; co_name; co_filename; instructio
(* Gather everything into a Textual module *)
let decls =
((decl :: decls) @ globals @ imports @ python_implicit_names)
((specialized_decls @ decls) @ globals @ imports @ python_implicit_names)
@ Builtin.Set.to_textual (Env.get_used_builtins env)
Ok {T.Module.attrs= [python_attribute]; decls; sourcefile}

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