Express GraphQL Server with Lusca and DDoS Rate Limiting
- Node v8+
- Yarn (prefered) or NPM
- Port 8888 Open and Accessible
- Fetch the code using git or wget
- While in the app directory,
ornpm install
to setup - Once complete,
yarn start
ornpm start
to launch the server - Navigate to :8888 in your browser to query using GraphiQL
[Optional] To keep ExpressGQL up and running behind the scenes, checkout PM2.
The following options can be passed in at runtime as ENV variables:
: Either a string or array of secrets used to sign the session ID cookie (If array: first is used to sign, others are used to verify)LOGGING
: If true, a graphql.log will be created for incoming site requests using Morgan loggingRATE_LIMIT
: If true, enables DDoS and RateLimit protections through ExpressPORT
: If set, an alternate port will be used when starting ExpressHTTP. Otherwise, the default of 8888 will be used.