💰myBudget is desktop application for any OS with Java installed on it. Note that if you choose to download one of the app options (Windows or Mac), Java runtime is bundled together, so it is ready-to-use application.
- Version: 1.0
- Latest stable release: 1.0.3
- Release date: 16.10.2017
It is written in Java programming language, using JavaFX library for UI components and JavaDB for storing data. You can download the code from github repository or download executable version from given links. Note that when you install macOS app, in order to use it properly navigate to Applications (⇧⌘A) and right click on myBudget, then click Open. When it prompts again, click open.
If you are downloading code, make sure you also include jfoenix library (you can find it in same github repository or at jfoenix.com) in your new project, as well as default Java DB driver libraries (derby.jar, derbyclient.jar, derbynet.jar).
- Complete redesign of GUI
- Added option to have your name stored
- Fixed input checking
- Other small bugfixes
- Insert a transaction (record) with all detailed info
- Delete a transaction
- Delete (reset) all data stored
- Check your transactions in ordered (by date) table in UI
- Customize categories (add/remove your own categories)
- Filtered search (by date, description or category)